“the coronavirus pandemic has buried globalization ”- Alexander Dugin, ‘Coronavirus Horizons of a Multipolar World’
There are some people, perhaps many on the Nationalist Right who early on were rejoicing that the Coronavirus pandemic spelled the imminent end of globalism. I have my doubts. The wishful thinking that appeared when the pandemic forced the closing of borders will be proved in short order to be just that, naive wishful thinking.
There was the eternally optimistic Steve Turley who ecstatically pronounced the end of globalism and “the dawning of a new Nationalist Populist Age”. He was not alone in his joy at the presumed death of the left. Intellectuals such as Alexander Dugan and Greg Johnson also effused that globalism and its fellow travelers, multiculturalism, open borders and diversity are all propositions that have been proven bad and wrong.
Unfortunately just because something is wrong on so many levels does not mean that with energy, money and determined vested interest that the bad will not succeed. It happens all the time. I don't want to get caught in the long grass talking about the long list of bad ideas that have become common currency but some accepted norms come to mind, Keynesian economics is not the only way to run an economy, fractional reserve banking is not the only and certainly not the best way to run a banking system and obviously fiat currency was dodgy from the start. So there are many things that in an ideal world would be very different. But here we are.
Many in the US were shocked to discover that virtually all their medical supplies (the last US penicillin manufacturer closed in 2004) were “Made in China”. The hope amongst the nationalists is that this realization may be the catalyst we need to rekindle home manufacturing. If that happens then all well and good. Manufacturing autonomy and the re-industrialization of the west are absolutely necessary if we are to re-establish ourselves as legitimate Nations. But the globalization of manufacturing was always just a means to an end, the globalist ideologues don't much care where stuff is made. Power and control of a homogeneous and passive global population is the objective, if there is a confluence of interests between the economic profiteers and the political ideologues on the way to achieving their goal then all well and good. But it would be naive to think that a power play that has been a hundred years in the making will just give up at the moment of victory. However, if the return of large scale manufacturing to western countries were to translate into national identity and then worst of all into Racial identity, then we would see the Globalists really panic. It's unlikely though and they will continue to push for rapid and large scale mass immigration from 3rd world countries into the west to head off any possibility of that turn of events coming about.
China has worked for years with strategic organized energy to advance its interests around the globe. The main vehicle for gaining access and advantage in foreign countries has been the system of free trade agreements, and western countries have bought into this on the basis of access to the 1.4 billion people Chinese domestic market. Unfortunately, Free trade is not Free. Its extremely expensive, it means our officials accept bribes to allow sweetheart deals to Chinese companies. It means Chinese companies buy our New Zealand companies, they buy our farms, our houses, and our forestry. Yet our governments, both Labour and National disregard the loss of sovereignty and blithely go along with The Chinese Communist Parties claim to benign intentions. Naively believing the globalist buzzwords, of international trade and the biggest lie of all that we can help china to liberalize through closer economic relations. In retrospect, it is a staggering example of hubris and self-delusion, or outright treachery to suggest that by rewarding an oppressive dictatorial regime with free trade and sweetheart deals then you will encourage them to a more liberal democratic state of mind. But then this is the bisaro world of the modern liberal mind, so the inversion of common sense should be expected.
Even though much manufacturing may return to the US, we should not underestimate the determination of the globalist one-world government clique. They will still push ahead with demands for closer international coordination and cooperation - for the health and safety of the people of course “think of your children, for the children...”. Behind the globalist drive is the drive for global government and control. National Manufacturing self-sufficiency, is something they will be prepared to put up with, as long as they get the control. And as long as the long term goal of diluting the national identity of western countries through mass third-world immigration can continue uninterrupted. Every year brings a new excuse for why western countries should continue to open their borders, and the next one is predictable. “Where else are we going to get the labor from to man the factories”, excuses that are so transparently self-serving.
In New Zealand, as I write this we still have one more week of Level 4 lockdown to go. We have a general election coming up in September and the mainstream media is wall to wall liberals and can not be relied upon to ask even basic common sense questions. The bills are going to start to come due very soon and people are going to want some answers. It will be up to real conservatives and independent journalists, online and real-world activists to seize the moment, displace the ruling elites and reassert the rights of nations and peoples once more.
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