Wednesday, 12 April 2017

The Swedish Advantage

Ever since Donald Trump pointedly mentioned Sweden at a campaign rally in February this year, the world's critical attention has finally turned to one of the most beautiful and peaceful countries in Europe. A country also renowned for the beauty of its women. A fact not lost on the millions of single Muslim men streaming into liberal Sweden. The immigrants are fortunate indeed; the Government of Sweden gives them money, a house, and when they rape a beautiful Nordic girl, they get let off, or community service, or perhaps even put up at tax payers expense in one of the special government-run hotels!

For the majority of the population who still get their information from the six o’clock news, the idea that there is anything at all amiss in happy old Sweden will come as a complete surprise. The violence and rapes go unreported, under-reported, or are spun to blame the victim or the Swedish people themselves. However, the fourteen hundred percent increase in rapes and the uncomfortable fact that Sweden is now second only behind Lesotho as the Rape Capital of the World should really come as no surprise at all.

It may be a naive innocence or a dangerous arrogance on the part of Sweden's feminist rulers. But one has to wonder what the government thought would happen when you inject a brutal and repressive medieval theocracy into a 21st-century liberal democracy? To the honest mind, there are no surprises in Sweden, the rapes, the riots, the attitude of entitlement and even conquest, so evident in the behaviour of these immigrants is explained by understanding the culture from which they came, and the religion they follow.

Yet, the liberal mindset is shackled to an ideology that brooks no dissent. And no amount of blood, rape and death will shake them free of the mental chains that bind them.

Over recent years Sweden’s population has rapidly increased to 10 million, almost all of that increase due to non-European immigration. Ethnic Swede's still comprise 77% of the population, but that figure masks the problem of white displacement and ghettoisation of Muslim communities.  Whole areas becoming no-go areas for Ethnic Swedes and police alike.

The Swedish policy of Multiculturalism adopted in 1975 has resulted in the arrival of hundreds of thousands of single men from the Muslim middle east and north Africa. One wonders what the architects of this disaster expected these men to do when confronted by thousands of beautiful, sexy, liberated Swedish girls?

The facts beg the question; did they know? In which case we are witnessing a deliberate genocide.  Or are they true believers who are genuinely surprised the Muslims are not behaving themselves! In my opinion, the answer is both. At the heart of the EU project is the policy of population replacement. This is a foundational principle as proposed by Richard Kalergy in 1925.  The implementation of said plan requires a central cadre of ideological purists, supported by an army of true believers who compose a clean sweep of all European governments; otherwise known as The Establishment. The central doctrine is subsumed into cultural Marxist/ liberal ideology and finds expression in progressive multiculturalism. Carried along by a seductive intellectualism, the useful idiots may or may not have a clue as to the true nature and purpose of the policies they support, but they support them anyway, taking whatever short term pleasure they can from the adulation of the damned.

Without discrimination, there can be no such thing as Swedish citizenship. To be ideologically consistent, Sweden must abandon all pretence to sovereignty.  The concept of Nationhood requires discrimination, and on what basis are you going to discriminate, if not race?  The maintenance of contradictory ideas requires an exercise of doublethink to maintain the pretext of a sovereign nation, while at the same time asserting, like Angela Merkel, that all that is required to become Swedish is your arrival on Swedish soil. Yes, of course, the liberal state maintains they asses all asylum applications and only accept those that “qualify”.  In 2015 there were 160000 applications, in 2016 there were 160000 qualifying asylum seekers. What is the point of a vetting process when all are accepted?    

Information on the European Migrant Crisis is freely available on the web for those with an interest to look.  They report the number of arrivals as if they just magically materialised on the beach. In the case of Sweeden, ten thousand a week!  We are expected not to ask who provided the funds to support the refugees on their travels, or who arranged the transport. Or why they were not checked when they entered Europe. Somewhere behind all this there are people with the power to stop it, or to make it happen. On the 24th November 2015 the Guardian reported that in response to Sweden's tightening of border controls an “unnamed UN official” had commented, "The last bastion of humanitarianism has fallen". Why would anyone make such a patently false statement? And why would the United Nations be so keen to see Sweeden completely overwhelmed by foreign invaders?

And the "tightening of rules"  in June 2016, simply means the application of rules that any sensible country would normally use to check who is coming into their country.   Even then, if an applicant can produce a passport, they can still get a temporary Visa, and can still apply to bring over family.  Rules that are still liberal, although now, not quite in the category of Stupid as they used to be. What the rule changes highlight is the amazing  lack of any form of controle that existed before. Apparently applicants were entitled to accomidation and a daily allowance on arrival. Rule Changes.

The cultural catastrophe unfolding in Sweden is not unique in the white world. The same story of White racial replacement is taking place in all white countries at the same time.  This is a cultur war, it's racial, and we're losing.

This is a war of information and narrative, and while Trump delivered Whites a win simply by mentioning Sweden, there are many countries that do not get a mention on YouTube, let alone in the mainstream media.

One such country is New Zealand, and in this writer's view, when compared to the situation in my country, Sweden has been presented with a huge long-term strategic advantage. Areas of Sweden are being overrun by Muslims who have no intent of being Swedish; to them, that is a ridiculous concept that deserves only derision and contempt!  Why would they have any interest in “integrating with” or becoming “like” a people who have no values, no culture and do not even believe they are a race. A People who sacrifice their women without a fight and then make excuses for their inaction. The Islamic world sees only a defenceless jewel lying prostrate before the Islamic caliphate. Our liberal rulers see the world through a feminist worldview and will not see the world as it is. This is a catastrophic miss reading of reality and will directly result in the death of a nation and a people.

In the real world, respect occurs in response to a demonstration of strength and integrity, true on a personal, and national level. If the people have no self-respect then to expect respect at the state level is futile indeed. Basically, if a people can not demonstrate self-respect, then they should expect none in return.

This is harsh criticism indeed, but in as far as it applies to Sweden it also applies to European civilization as a whole.

The Muslim New Swedes see themselves quite clearly as an invading army who’s duty it is to conquer and subjugate the native population.   Their goal is the establishment of an Islamic caliphate and the subjugation of the native population. And we can take that as meaning the extinction of the Swedish people.

To an extent, there is a degree of liberal Swedish arrogance in that they thought they could debase themselves on the world stage in an orgy of pathological virtue signaling; declare that they were nothing but barbarians with no culture or race. Throw open the borders and then expect to suffer no ill effects as a result of their embarrassing self-negation.

However, the Islamic Jihad on the European race, their violence, the rioting and the rapes, have put Sweden at a strategic advantage in the existential struggle for survival when compared to your white cousins in New Zealand.

You see down here at the bottom of the world. The racial displacement of White New Zealanders has continued rapidly, clinically and quietly.
Our National Government is every bit as Liberal and globalist as the feminist monsters in Stockholm. But under eight years of our Jewish prime minister John Key our immigration numbers went up from 15000,p/a to 125000p/a, not including refugees! And this in a country of only four and a half million.

Due to our lower population and the high number of immigrants, we are being replaced three times faster than the British. The trick to our soft and quiet genocide is in the type of immigrants they bring here. Predominantly Indian and Asian, they move in, keep to themselves and quietly displace us from our own cities. Diversity is a myth, it simply means no Whites.

Like the Muslims, they have no interest at all in the stupid liberal unspeak of integration and assimilation,- not that we want them to of course. We all know full well that integration means nothing more than Asian immigrants sleeping with our daughters. The liberal concepts of multiculturalism, diversity, and integration are suicidal policies that will destroy the country and genocide the people.

It may sound absurd to speak of the Sweedish experience of Islamic immigration as having an advantage over the quiet and peaceful displacement we have experienced in New Zealand. But regarding the practical outcome, it makes no difference whether they come with smiles or scimitars, the result is always the same, no White people.  The violence that has been perpetrated against the beautiful, innocent simpletons of the north has drawn international attention and been the catalyst for the formation of resistance groups all across Scandinavia.

But that has not been the case in New Zealand. Without a word being uttered, our largest city has been completely overrun by Asians and Indians. There are no accurate, up-to-date government figures on the demographics of Auckland available, but anecdotally the White European population of our largest city is down to around 20 percent, with some neighbourhoods being completely non-white. Once again the liberal wet dream of a multicultural paradise is proven to be just another word for white genocide.

And in New Zealand silence on the issue reigns supreme. Absolutely not a word is uttered in any media, radio or on-line about the rapid displacement of traditional New Zealanders from their own towns and cities. The reasons proffered by the government for the massive influx of "new arrivals" is the usual raft of fallacious imaginings.   "we need the skills they bring with them", "we need more people to drive the economy", "we have an obligation"...  All of this is rubbish, we still have a massive skills shortage in industry, a serious housing crisis that the government pretends has nothing to do with immigration, and the only obligation any government has is to the people who elected them, period.

Now Auckland is the motherload, and the government's plan is to push immigrants out from there into the smaller towns and provinces all over our country. Completely, irreversibly and unnecessarily upsetting the cultural balance in every part of our country.  I have laid out some fairly strong criticism in this piece, of the people and government of Sweden but I hold back nothing when I speak of my own people. I  know one thing about my own people, and that is that they are no better and in the face of this creeping cultural cancer they will do nothing but demonstrate their pathetic spineless apathy in the face of the weakest of all weapons, "oh so you're a racist are you ?" To which the sane racially aware white man may respond, "of course I'm a racist! What's the matter with that? Do you not love your own people? If your not a racist there's something wrong with you!"

To speak truth in the face of overwhelming deceit is an exhilarating experience.

We are standing right now on the cusp of history, an inflexion point in the passage of time, right now it is entirely possible that we could lose everything and disappear forever and all we have to do, is nothing.  But our enemy is thin, he is out of ammo and he is relying only on our own fear and cowardice.  He is literally relying on us just walking off the stage of history because if we don't he has nothing left to fight with.

Is it possible for the Swedish people to simply accept defeat?  For Swedish women and girls to simply accept the practice of rape in their new Swedish society; the New Sweden, a progressive multicultural wonderland?  What mode of existence would Swedish men have to accept? In Orwellian Newspeak, it is the New Swedes that define the social contract. Swedish men must accept as the new normal that their wives and daughters must make themselves available for “welcome sex” with the new Swedes upon arrival. A cultural practice that is celebrated as a liberating act of union to welcome into the bosom of our people the New Swedes that have traveled so far and waited so long.

Does this sound like a perverted sex novel? We already have on record the Sweedish prime minister declaring that Sweden belongs to the New Swedes.  That the Swedes themselves are barbarians, and the courts make it clear there are no consequences for the rape of the natives. So now if Sweden no longer belongs to the Old Swedes, then it is their moral duty to hand it over!

The stark reality of a very dark future must be made abundantly clear. And the choice laid bare. You, and we together, either stand and fight or accept a future as oppressed minorities in what was once our own country. I write this with not just Sweden in mind but my own country and all White lands as well.  Fighting can take many forms, it may be as simple as voting for a National Socialist party. Or it may mean moving to a new area and establishing a new White Ethno-State.  Or, worst case scenario it may mean actual war to rid the country of invaders.

Not making a choice is not an option. To do nothing is a choice for defeat.

These realities have been made more real to the people of Sweden, in my own New Zealand, White separation is already taking place as we move out of our cities and into the provinces. But our people are too scared to even think about having a racial consciousness.  They make excuses; they always find some politically correct way to justify moving out of a racially infested area.  There is no honesty because there is no courage.

The Swedish advantage of which I speak is that the brutal reality of multiculturalism has begun to break the bubble of political correctness. There are groups like Order 15 and Nordic Resistance openly talking about White separatism. In NZ there is no such groundswell of public consciousness.  Politically, the Sweden Democrats have re-defined the political spectrum, according to one poll, moving into first place at 23.9%, setting Sweden up for a major power shift in the 2018 general election.

By contrast, New Zealand’s political spectrum is wall to wall liberals. With only the occasional counter comment from the lone voice of Winston Peters, leader of NZ First. Nationalist groups like the NZ National Front arrive once a year on the steps of parliament to wave the flag and then retire into the background.
In the absence of a clear and present danger, it falls to lone activists to speak out, post flyers and otherwise roll in sackcloth and ashes in an attempt to wake the dead.

I believe there will be those who will survive and establish on this earth a homeland for white people, that there will be a global gathering, maybe in Harold Covington's Northwest American Republic or maybe in whatever territory the Nordic Resistance can carve out for itself from what remains of Scandinavia. I don’t know, but I do know that Sweden has been given a head start and that someday after the dust has settled from the coming conflagration, I may yet find a place in the land of the Vikings.



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