Saturday, 11 November 2017

The Cultural Organism.

In this short piece I posit that the News Media,TV News and entertainment industries function in  a society like the brain in a man or any other animal. If you lose control of your brain, we say you are insane. In the same way if a culture loses control of it's media then it too can be called mad!

What is a people? A collection of human beings with a long shared history and ethnic unity. They share a commonality of morals and thought. They behave in similar ways in similar situations. They understand each other and recognise the essence of who they are. And they rejoice in the interplay of individuality and the collective consciousness that defines them. They aspire to and achieve a level of civilisation that reflects the innate intelligence and creativity that springs from their collective racial soul. The culture so displayed reveals their love for themselves and empathy for the environment that gives them life.

Organisational structures in this world tend to follow a familiar pattern, whether we are talking about low order insects or higher order primates,  centres of control and division of labour can be seen in all forms of life. From the individual organism in it’s internal biology right through to the large herd of Wildebeest or flock of starlings.

There is a dynamic principle of existence; it is the first order of business and the overarching command of life,- Survive!  In obedience to that law, all forms of life are equipped with systems of control and communication best suited to the needs of the particular organism and environment.

The Brain, -the organisational communications centre, receives information from all parts of the body on the state of, and conditions in and around the body. Decisions are made and commands initiated.  It is the communications centre and command centre of the organism.  Considering the collective as an extension of the individual the brain has its parallel in the systems whereby information is passed between individuals of the community and the mechanics whereby decisions are made for the community as a whole.   If anything should happen to interfere with or disrupt the communication system or the command structure of the community the entire population would be put at risk. It would be unable to react to clear and present dangers.  While one part of the herd is peacefully grassing another could be slaughtered at will by any aspiring predator.

Application to Man

The survival potential of the individual is best served by the survival of the group.  Doesn’t matter whether you are talking about Killer Whales, Ants, Bees or Meerkats, there is social organisation, a system of communication and a leadership structure.

The same is true for Man, the apex predator on the planet. And as a life form on this planet we are subject to the same first principle of existence as every other living thing; - Survive.
With our language, written communication, printing presses and now with technologies including Television and the internet we have gone in little more than a hundred years from slow community based printed Newspapers to daily and hourly communication.   Large numbers of our people can be informed about events on the other side of the world almost instantly.

The Fourth Estate as the brain of the cultural organism.

When we lose control of the means of information propagation within the community whether local or on a civilizational scale, it is the same as that community going mad. In the same way that we say an individual has lost his mind when he no longer can demonstrate control of his faculties and utters incoherent gibberish.  So too can we also say that a civilisation, a Race, or culture or any identifiable group when it seeds or loses control, either knowingly or by usurpation, of its mass media to an alien force that seeks to promote its own interests at the expense of the parent group, then that civilisation is clinically insane.

The problem with a foreign identity controlling the neural pathways and thinking faculties of your culture is that they don’t even need to be actively conspiring against you.  Even if they are only pursuing their own interests, invariably at some point group dynamics will come into conflict. If a plankton-eating whale pod becomes infiltrated by seals and those seals gain control of the matriarch, directing her to round up a school of small fish for dinner it won't be long before the pod is losing members and dying out.

The entirety of mainstream western- read White- media, both print and TV news has fallen into the hands of an alien group.  Defined ideologically but for all intents and purposes a group that might just as well be another species.  A group and ideology that for the most part is Jewish and the ideology is supremacist, globalist and radically egalitarian.

There is no doubt that the liberal mindset that embraces multiculturalism, promotes mass immigration and denies the existence of the White race, is anti-nature, anti-human and anti-white. It is a breaking of the point and dulling of the edge of the life force itself.  It requires the apex civilisation to completely extinguish itself in it’s never-ending pursuit of the liberal nirvana of universal equality.

Western man now finds himself at the brink of possibly irreversible social, racial, and cultural catastrophe.

We have –or had-  a trust-based system that presupposes a degree of group identity on the part of all its members. The thought that some of our people would group themselves together and act in a way so completely destructive to the group as a whole is never contemplated or allowed for.  Much less an alien race that would take advantage of an altruistic nature to introduce a doctrine of radical egalitarianism that allows them to subtly disarm our ability to discriminate in favour of our own people in our own countries. Ever since we lost control of our cultural brain we have been effectively culturally insane and the parasite thus lodged can begin secreting into our bloodstream it’s destructive poison.

The media should never be allowed to fall into the hands of foreigners.  For as long as group dynamics is the reality on this earth and inequality is the nature of life itself, then the jealousy of the slow and the dull will fall upon the capable and the bright. Go out and practice your philanthropy and your altruism but never leave the gates behind you open!

Finally, the world at this point is in the death grip of the anti-nature ideology of liberalism.  To avert a catastrophe, the apex civilisation must recognise itself again. That means acknowledging group identity, and group interests. It means wresting control of our means of communication from the alien group that has established a monopoly over the Press, TV News and entertainment.  Only then can we call ourselves sane and begin to climb out of the hole we have dug for ourselves and allowed others to dig for us.


Friday, 10 November 2017

The Pathology of Cowardice

It has become a commonplace nowadays in the right-wing movement to find people claiming that “the people are going to rise up in revolt” . “The people are getting angry and are not going to take much more”. Or if the government doesn’t do something then the people will take matters into their own hands.

I will assert here that this interpretation springs from a miss understanding of the national and racial psychology.

With each new anti-white atrocity the pattern of behaviour is driven deeper and deeper. What we are witnessing in the behaviour of white people the world over is not a build up of some kind of psycho-spiritual energy leading to a sudden miraculous and cathartic release of collective racial energy and will to survive, instead, sadly, we are witnessing the steady establishment of a learned pattern of behaviour.  A behaviour we have learned very well and are continuing to learn with each successive act of unprovoked slaughter of our people.

The practical process of this training goes more or less as follows; with each act of murder, our people search around for an acceptable and appropriate response, and of course they find one in the large number of slaughters of whites that have taken place all over Europe and now famously in Las Vegas as well.

And the response is to do nothing, the most we can do is march in solidarity --- with the families of the victims and sometimes even with members of the group from which the murderers came.  We express our apparently British traditions of tolerance and inclusion, and Love because “this is what they would have wanted”.

Even the queasiness in our stomachs goes unheeded as we push our prams around the streets of Rotheram trying to convince ourselves that we have indeed done our bit to salve our injured conscience. These are truly shocking levels of degenerate apathy.

So how is it possible that the culturally aware White British of a hundred years ago have been reduced to such lap dog servitude. This is not as some might assume a natural progression in the rise and fall of great civilisations.  This is the product of three generations of Pavlovian psychological conditioning since the end of the second world war.

There will be no point at which the British people will say enough!  There is no collective psychology left to respond. The great mass of the people have been deliberately atomised so that there are only now millions of individual islands of consciousness where once there was a people.   With each passing atrocity, the learned pattern of behaviour becomes ever more deeply ingrained and consequently more difficult to change.

There is no floor to this kind of servile behaviour, what we are experiencing is the downward escalator to ever more appalling demonstrations of servitude. The certain prognosis for a people that have convinced themselves that they do not exist is that they will not exist. And this diagnosis will not be slow to materialise.

There may be a cure however, and to continue the medical analogy, it is evident that the cure must come from an external source.  When the next slaughter of whites occurs, there must be an immediate and powerful response of revenge and punishment for the perpetrators. This would do two things; it would teach the perpetrators that there are immediate and serious consequences to acts of violence against our people, and more importantly, it would demonstrate to our own people that there is an alternative response to the usual serving of platitudes and tolerance.  Initially, a vigorous self-defence would be rejected even by our own people, but in time they will see that security and liberty come at the cost of a willingness to fight.

It is unlikely that a group prepared to do what is necessary to win could be entirely homegrown. The people need to be dedicated, fanatical, prepared to actually fight, they must be prepared to risk everything including their lives for the cause.  And they must be prepared to risk capture, imprisonment and suffering. And most importantly they must be deadly serious about winning.
All these characteristics just listed are exactly the ones possessed by all the Muslims doing Ala’s work in Europe these days.  And most of them with the exception of the willingness to risk their own necks are also possessed by our racial nemesis.

These requirements say something about our enemy and the nature of policing in the UK and the USA.

The Metropolitan Police have a mandate to uphold the law, however, in practice, this well-understood principle translates into an overriding obligation to keep the peace. And in the London of 2017 it’s not hard to imagine a situation where upholding the Law may mean falling foul of the dominant communities religious sensibilities. Islam.

In this situation, the calculus of the MET is simple, uphold the rights of White British people, and risk an immediate outbreak of massed violence and property damage by the Muslim community, or  ignore their complaints, suppress their rights and intimidate into silence the Ethnic British in the full knowledge that there will be no consequences, and the good white people will just toddle off home muttering some nasty jailable hate speech.    In the absence of cultural feeling or of any moral imperative on the part of the police officers themselves, it is easy to see which way the decision will fall.

There is a curious thing that happens when you put a human being in a uniform; when you give him a funny hat to wear and absolve him of any responsibilities for his actions; you bind him through peer pressure to a group whose aims are completely at odds with his own Racial and cultural survival.   You can see this same pattern anywhere in the world but most presciently in London where White men in uniform will go out of their way to harras and persecute other white men for standing up for the rights of his own people.

A look at the website of the MET reveals that the focus is directed at promoting African and Indian recruits.  And the focus is explicitly on Safety, not on the application of the law.
This situation will not change, the trajectory of white genocide is fixed.  The role therefore of the MET is to ensure that the replacement of White British people proceeds smoothly and safely.
The MET and most police forces around the world can be considered a dumb and stupid blunt instrument that the administration uses to enforce the reigning ideology of the time. Being as it is, that the administration itself is a tool to perniciously undercut the culture.

This situation opens up a fundamental weakness of policing in general and the MET in particular.  If the objective is peace and safety at the expense of Law and Liberty, then we only need to change the conditions under which the police are operating in order to change their behaviour.   We do not need to change their culture or their objectives at all. We only need to remove the delusion of consequence-free oppression of white people in order to fundamentally change the nature of this fight.

Politics Downstream of Culture.

We would not have got into this state without many years of cultural denigration. Christianity has also played it’s part with it’s implicit radical egalitarianism. But at this point in the 59th minute of the 11th hour, we no longer have the option of many years of cultural re-education. Now, it is fight or die.  And once again the vast majority of our people would prefer to be left alone to die in peace and comfort rather than fight for the future of their children.

So there it is, a small cadre of fighters who engage in direct action and cultural education to protect  and educate our people back to racial and cultural health.  Does such a group exist? Not that I am aware of.  Will such a group exist? Future Histories will tell us, but at this point our continued existence looks unlikely. It looked unlikely for the Viennese in 1683, until the famous charge of the Winged Hussars.  It looked unlikely for France until Charles Martel defeated the Muslims at Tours in 732.  And we are here today only because of the unlikely dreams of heroes and fanatics.


Monday, 30 October 2017

Flag Day 2017

The Following is a synopsis of a speech given in front of parliament buildings in Wellington, New Zealand on the 28th October 2017 in celebration of "Flag Day"


I am here today with some of our brothers from the Hawke's Bay to show our support for the movement and to send this new government a message.  We live in a unique moment in time when the pendulum of history is about to turn. All across the Western World  world we see signs of political change, Unexpected political results in America, the UK and Europe that drive the loony left insane with rage and consternation. And the fact that the left does not understand what’s going on stems from their complete and utter contempt for the average  European citizen.  The media and political establishment have tried and will continue to try to prop up this failing system for as long as they can. Using massive censorship of the internet and news media to try and starve and strangle any outbreak of nationalist ideas wherever they may occur. 

But there is no denying that the pendulum of history has reached the apex of its travel to the left.   And we now stand at a crossroads in history; the traditional left-right political paradigm has broken down, neither the communist-liberal-labour-left  nor  the capitalist-conservative-right offer any hope of delivering real long-term prosperity to regular citizens, and this is true not just of New Zealand but of all the liberal democracies of the western world.  The Marxist globalist agenda permeates the entire political spectrum, leaving nowhere left to stand for people who actually know what a country is, and for people who actually know what a People is.

These globalist ideologues talk about migrants, (and they use that term deliberately instead if the more descriptive “immigrant” to deliberately obfuscate the fact that these people are here to stay) and they use this term “people” to describe human beings that they see as nothing more than generic and interchangeable units of production and consumption.

Under the previouse National government, the party of business, the prevailing idea has been that it’s a good idea to run a country like a business.  Now this might sound like a fairly reasonable idea the first time you hear it.  But I have to ask, for what purpose does a business exist? It exists for the profit of the owner and shareholders.  In that sense the business world view pays no regard to borders and sovereignty, and sees all human beings simply as a human resource to be exploited at will. 

This is not our conception. We believe in the inherent dignity of the nation-state and the identity of the people that form it.  Identity is important and natural and right and good (and we must get used to saying that). And yet from the established political Parties we see ideology that attempts to undermine the very thing that defines a Nation; Racial and Cultural heritage.

Now In the building behind me, we have a new thing in New Zealand Politics.  But the more things change, the more they stay the same, and Winston Peters is back in the driver's seat, and he has done it on the back of a policy that only Winston in his Non-European identity could ever have pulled off.
Now we don’t have a Donald Trump in New Zealand but we do have a Winston, and even though he would resent such a comparison, I can tell you that no European led party would ever have stood a single chance of proposing we limit immigration to only 10000 per year.  Down from the current and suicidal figure of around 120000 or more. Any white person proposing such a thing would immediately be labelled a Nazi, a bigot and a white supremacist.

So while we are standing here today, we need to send Winston and the government a very clear and unmistakable message. “Keep your Word!”

And to that end, we have a petition on hand here today that you can sign. This petition is to urge the government to do two things;  Limit immigration to 10,000 a year, and hold a national referendum on the future cultural makeup of New Zealand. 

Now that second part is a pretty radical step.  But it’s only radical because there has never been in any predominantly White European country any open debate on immigration, on it’s nature or scope.  These decisions have always been made in private by politicians, bureaucrats and business leaders who only see the wonderful benefits of mass immigration to suppress wages and lift profits. 

We have young men working in New Zealand trying to support a wife and child on 17, and 18 dollars an hour. They would like to have more children, but they simply cant’ afford it.  This is a demographic catastrophe in the making, in a few years time you can imagine the government declaring in great surprise “gosh there’s not enough people, what a surprise! Let's open the borders!”   To Asia, China, to India, to Pakistan, Africa and its teeming millions, to the middle east. But will these same people think about helping our racial brothers and sisters escape crushing poverty and murder in Zimbabwe and South Africa or help our European people escape the broken cities of Europe, I seriously doubt it… 

How has this situation come about where our young people simply can not afford to have children, when for decades upon decades through every election cycle all we ever hear about is the economy? 
Even now the government has backed itself into a corner, we have an Immigration based economy, with real GDP of zero or close to it.  This is a situation that cannot continue, and a can that cannot be kicked down the road anymore.

So please go ahead and sign the petition here and let's make it absolutely clear to this government that we require and demand that they respect the first principles of government, which are to protect the sovereignty of this country and the welfare of its people.

Thank You

Friday, 29 September 2017

New Zealand Immigration Reform

New Zealand Immigration Reform | Online Petition

Talk of immigration reform in New Zealand seems to always provoke the same narrow range of excuses for inaction on the subject. “But we're all immigrants!”, or  “we have so much room!”. These and other predictable refrains provide cover for those who would rather ignore what is happening in New Zealand at rate three times faster than the rate of population replacement occurring in the United Kingdom.  And let’s face it, mass immigration is an issue in white countries and only white countries, why is that? 

Many of our brightest minds and natural leaders find themselves too busy pursuing personal goals or business interests to be bothered with the dangerous, unpopular and as they see it inappropriate issue of racial replacement in New Zealand.  Our brightest and smartest prefer to direct their energies into the capitalist pursuit of profit. This globalist mindset sees mass third world immigration as a net benefit, suppressing wages, increasing demand and boosting profits.

We have just been through another election cycle, which in many respects mirrored the election cycles in other parts of the western world.   An obsessive focus on the economy, tax and benefits. Where immigration is addressed at all, it is dealt with on an economic basis, citing the pressure placed on essential infrastructure by the rapid influx of people who are culturally incapable and unwilling to blend into New Zealand society.

It is of course quite unfair on both the non-white immigrants as well as White and Maori New Zealanders to expect them to spread out and blend into New Zealand society. It is impossible for them to do this and quite unfair to expect them to try. Just as it is unfair to expect White New Zealanders to accept large numbers of racially dissimilar foreigners moving into their towns and cities without feeling invaded. The phenomenon of white flight is an entirely predictable result.

This petition is nothing more or less than the campaign promise of New Zealand First.  Now that Winston is once again King Maker in New Zealand politics it is our duty as culturally aware New Zealanders to ensure that Mr Peters is fully aware of the importance we place on his commitment to the promise he made to the New Zealand people. We must also send a clear message to Labour and National that New Zealanders will no longer put up with being treated like blank soulless units of production and consumption. Race, culture and identity is is just as important to New Zealanders as it is to any other group in the world.

Please exercise your right to freedom of speech and sign the petition on Immigration Reform.


Sunday, 4 June 2017

London 4 June 2017

A week ago I wrote about Manchester, in the heat of the moment I mused on the likely results of a targeted and violent response to the murder of our children.  Today I intended to examine the use of violence in a little more detail, some people it seems were a little taken a-back by my apparent suggestion that violence might be a useful deterrent!

But here we are again, I waited too long, and we have another seven dead in the London Bridge and Borough Market attack.

The expected results did not disappoint. The chords of the mental straight jacket that binds the Brittish (and European) people to a course of self-destruction are only pulled ever tighter.
All the common sense normal logical and straight forward solutions that would spring naturally from an honest understanding of reality are completely outside the Overton window of acceptable political discourse. They are solutions that would be considered by the government and the deluded liberal masses as horrific, racist, Xenophobic Islamophobic authoritarian or fascist.

Theresa May reinforced her liberal credentials by refusing to recognise the source of the problem; the terrorists according to Ms May are Islamist extremists.   She continues to claim that Islamist Extremism and sectarianism is a “perversion of Islam”, and in so doing completely miss-identifies the enemy and lets Islam itself off the hook. The liberal media also clings in utter desperation to it’s Liberal ideology while thrashing around for a solution that does not openly admit they are living in a fantasy world.  The list of nationals that have been killed or wounded reads like a role call of the western world; victims from Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Span.  But this is something we are not allowed to notice and can under no circumstances draw any Racist conclusions from.

One thing that was immediately noticeable from the coverage of the attack was the way in which regular Londoners were being treated. First they are the victims of the terrorists and then they are the victims of the state; a large group of white London citizens being marched away from the scene with their hands on their heads, a line of riot police fanning out across the road with riot shields and batons.  The overt intimidation and oppression of the public has become a commonplace for British resistance movements, EDL, Britain First etc. London is already home to one of the most surveilled populations on the planet, this will now only get worse.

So where is this going and how will it end?  Yes there is a lot of anger and venom on the internet but as a percentage of the  British population the number who are prepared to do more than wine about it is still insignificant, sadly and unfortunately I do not believe they can expect any support from their compatriots.  And even if that were not the case they are completely disarmed against an armed and militarised police that has shown itself quite willing to serve the state in the oppression of the people.

A White Homeland is the only option. The psycho-spiritual destruction of white people the world over has reduced the vast majority of our people to the role of stateless slaves in the countries they built.  But they will not agree with this assessment. If they understand their history at all they still manage to disconnect themselves from their ancestors and negate any connection they may have had to the great achievements of white European civilisation. They are in effect racially and culturally dead. All that remains is for time to bring on the physical reality of that fact.

We must accept these facts, and look for a place to make a stand, somewhere where we can rebuild ourselves. We need the racially aware whites to evacuate our homelands and gather together in a spirit of pan-European brotherhood. Eastern Europe is currently the holdout against the liberal dogma of the West. Poland and Hungary, Victor Orban has already announced that Hungary stands ready to welcome European refugees.  Europe is not the architecture or the cities, Europe is the people, and as long as we exist, we can rebuild European civilisation where ever we lay down roots on this earth.   And as long as we preserve our racial identity then there is hope.

That also highlights the problem.  Unfortunately, there are some people who know those truths as well as we do and that is precisely why they want us gone.     They control out governments and have the full power of the military state at their disposal.  That is why at this point and barring some major levelling of the playing field the only option is to avail ourselves of the protection of a friendly state.
Isolated white communities will only be a temporary measure and trying to carve out a new White Ethnostate from the borders of an existing European country is not possible while they are able to print money and pay the race traitors that make up their armed forces.

In the event of a total economic collapse the situation may change, but people have been predicting the coming collapse for years, and the whole corrupt edifice may well stagger on for years yet, and in the meantime, we are being subjugated by our governments and slaughtered by the Muslims.
What we are witnessing is the greatest catastrophe in recorded history. The deliberate extermination of the most advanced and creative civilisation the world has ever seen.

It is our duty to our ancestors and our children, to be honest about our prospects and take appropriate action “to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”.


Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Mind Altering Books

We are a product of our learning and understanding. And as I have peeled back the layers of lies and deceit, I have, like so many others, found myself moving further and further to the political right.

Two short books I have recently read have helped to confirm my already held suspicions. They are;   Under Two Flags - Heinz Weichardt 28 pages. This short essay is in the form of a letter to a friend. It recites the experiences and exploits of Heinz Weichardt, an educated Jew who fled Germany to the United States in 1938.  Two things become apparent in the story of Mr. Weichardt; his experiences completely put the lie to the conventional and constantly promoted narrative of German villainy, and secondly the casual way he relates how no obstacle, either legal or financial, can stand in the way of a jew with connections.

The second book is The Jewish Strategy by Revilo P. Oliver 101 Pages.  This short book highlights the horrific tale of Jewish machinations and perfidy in their dealings with the Arian world.  All done from a completely objective and analytical point of view. He makes no judgment and sees the Jewish mode of operation as a highly successful survival strategy for a purely parasitical human organism. Their actions from the victim's point of view are diabolical in the extreme, yet from their point of view, they act in the highest code of morality!  This highlights the astonishing gulf of difference between the Jewish and Arian mindset. A mindset that makes us uniquely susceptible to religious infiltration.

Oliver takes a look at Christianity and the racially paralysing effect it has had on our civilisation.  There are competing theories on who invented Christianity and for what purpose. You can believe Joseph Atwill, that it was a Roman invention that backfired badly, or it was a Jewish invention that has taken almost two thousand years to utterly destroy it's intended victim.

I'm going to include another book here that I haven't even read yet. It deserves a mention though, even if for no other reason than it has been banned.  That being usually a good indicator that we need to read it. 200 Years Together (362 pages) was Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's last work and has never had a full authoritative English language edition published.  It chronicles the full sordid story of the Jews in Russia, hence the reason for it being unavailable in English.  This too is only a partial edition. Edited by L.T. Kizhe

Tuesday, 23 May 2017


The Problem 
We know what that word means now. Yesterday it became a byword for mindless carnage and terrorism.  It no longer means clean white sheets from the Manchester cotton mills because no one remembers the industry that once flourished there.

Already the depressingly predictable platitudes are flowing from the accomplices of the horror. Sadiq Khan said, “Manchester and the rest of Britain will never be cowed by terrorism. Those who want to destroy our way of life and divide us will never succeed”  Laurie Penny sais “Don’t let your horror be co-opted by racists. Don’t exploit the death of children to justify neo-fascism. Be better, be kinder than that ”. Or The Independent, “There’s only one way Britain should respond to attacks such as Manchester. That is by carrying on exactly as before”.

And this is how it will proceed. We are following the only script our political paralysis will allow us to follow.  Institutionalised hand-wringing followed by capitulation and an exhortation to do nothing, and then in a fit of mental contortion, we tell ourselves that we have won if we only carry on as before. We have won if we do nothing, the corollary of which is that, to take any measures against such attacks is to hoist the white flag of surrender and defeat…

There is insanity here.  I have heard that the profession of psychology has the highest rates of suicides.  That is not surprising, constantly itemising and analysing the deeds and utterances of the mind of the insane does not itself produce sanity.  The sane mind embraces truth and endeavours to see the world as it is. Understanding reality and your place in it is the key to sanity and happiness.

So what are we to make of the regular slaughter of White Europeans all across France, Germany, Stockholm, London and now Manchester? Who is being attacked? On what basis are they identifying their victims, racial, ideological, political? What is the purpose of the attacks? Who are the perpetrators of the attacks? Are the attacks random or are they part of a deliberate overall plan? Is it a national attack or an ideological attack, i.e. state sponsored or terrorist group? Is it a religious or civilizational attack?

As the questions go on it becomes clear that the answers to many of them are already well known.

To a certain extent, I have a decent respect for our Muslim enemies. He is an honest enemy in that figuratively he has stood up in front of the Western white Christian world and told us exactly what his intentions are. He is here to establish the caliphate by the sword. (That, of course, being always the only way such an anti-social and barbaric “religion” can spread.) He says to us quite clearly, we are going to breed you out of existence, your women will wear the hijab, and you will worship Ala and his prophet Mohamed. If you resist you will be killed.

Once we have been informed of the intentions of such an enemy, we no longer have the luxury of excuses for inaction. We know exactly what our fate will be, and every moment of delay only makes that fate ever more certain.

So…what’s the problem?  Our enemy knows full well the efficacy of violence, without a proper response our behaviour will of necessity have to change.  Who is going to go to a live concert now? If you are a left wing political activist you might go in an attempt to deliberately put yourself in harm’s way just to prove how much you have won against the enemy that wants to kill you…(!) But normal, semi-sane human beings will not go, they don’t want to die for left wing liberal ideology.

And that’s where we come to it. The thinking of our political class, the media and the universities are thoroughly saturated with liberal ideology, which at its root is communist.  But it’s worse than that, look what happened in France, after apparently 20 terrorist attacks in the last three years they elected Macron by a huge margin because they thought that a populist candidate that championed the French people and French interests was “dangerous”!  To listen to the way the general population all across Europe talk about these things reveals a dangerous pathology. And this backs up the point that we get the politics we deserve.

So how did, not just Manchester or England, but every country of western Europe go from people and government’s that had a reasonable respect for their own security and identity to a situation where the moral ethos of the people is fundamentally detrimental to their own survival. Jonathon Bowden refers to the self-negation of western man and the grammar of self-intolerance. Our Governments adopt on the basis of humanitarian obligations policies that are verging on open hostility for their native populations.

I said previously that it was possible to have respect between protagonists. But there is another kind of enemy.  One that relies on covert means, infiltration, subversion and corruption to undermine the will of his enemy.  Now, these ideas of globalism and radical egalitarianism, humanism have their negative counterparts, Race does not exist, nations do not matter, all “people” are equal.  These ideas have saturated society. Every housewife, man woman and child has taken on to a greater or lesser extent the poison of liberal ideology. Without even knowing it they support policies that are designed to destroy their country, their heritage and their people. But they think they are just being fair!

You know there is something more to this when you realise that these are not just political beliefs but are dogmatic and religiously held absolutes that are violently defended against perceived attacks.  To suggest that Race exists,- “you’re a Racist!” You want to defend your country,- “you’re a xenophobe!”, you speak out against Muslim rape gangs,- “you’re an Islamophobe!” An interesting question might be, “Under what circumstances might it be reasonable and sane to be Racist, Xenophobic and Islamophobic?”

The pervasive liberal ideology has created in society a mental straight jacket that completely precludes us ever being able to recognise the problem, much less find a sensible solution. Unfortunately, our enemies have no such humanitarian qualms, they operate quite outside our frame of reference, so when we are presented with the bloody results of their actions against us, we cannot and will not allow it to exist. So we do the only thing our frame of reference will allow us to do when presented with such a reality. We cry and hiss, we march obediently, and our leaders tell us we will not be divided while all the time promoting immigration and welfare policies that enhance the position of the enemy in our midst.

The Solution
Is there a real solution? Under the current paradigm, - no.

There is however a process to liberation, in the political right it has become known as the Red Pill after the scene in The Matrix movie in which Neo is offered the Red or the Blue pill, take the blue pill and forget everything and go back to your normal life, or take the red pill and begin a journey of discovery and liberation from slavery.

The objective of Red Pilling yourself is to free yourself to be able to recognise the reality of the situation we face. If you can red pill your friends they too will be able to identify the enemy and decide on an appropriate course of action.

In any conflict, you only have two options, well, three if you include defeat as an option! Fight or Flight.  Under the current dispensation, the only option for whites is Flight. And we see white flight all over the white world as whites move out of communities that are progressively infiltrated by none whites. The process feeds on itself until there are no whites left in whole cities or districts. And always the reasons given by whites for their departure are disingenuous.

To stay and fight at this time would mean engaging in a covert war against specific targets.   A guerrilla warfare employing all the usual tactics to send a very clear and unambiguous message to the enemy.  We say NO. We say we will survive, and we are prepared to use lethal force to drive you out. I do not know who said it but it has been said before, “you know you have a movement when there is blood in the street”.  We must recognise and accept that fighting does not mean doing what I am doing right now, tapping away on a keyboard like so many other so-called activists.  We must prove to the Islamists and the government that they do not have a monopoly on violence, War is the continuation of politics by other means, and we mean to prove it.  I do not advocate open acts of mindless violence but specific actions against legitimate targets will be vital to prove the point that a free people have freedom of action.

One of the thousands of miss-directions we have been fed is that we must reject violence as a means of resolving conflict. That is a lie. As our enemy has proved many times already, violence and the legitimate threat of violence is highly effective in cowing resistance. Our own police now intimidate us instead of the enemy because they know very well what will happen if they take action against the Muslims.

But imagine if you will the scenario after this latest massacre. A radical Imam is invited to address the gathered throng of obedient docile whites, he starts to talk and as he does so receives a sniper's bullet through the forehead.  His brains explode behind him and he falls dead to the ground.  That’s a message.  Until words are backed up by action they remain just that, words.

The problem for Racially and culturally aware whites is that the vast majority of our people are still slaves in the Matrix, and will at the first appearance of resistance become – to continue the movie analogy- agents of the machine.  To that end it is the responsibility of the free whites to red pill as many as they can as fast as they can and to encourage the development of racially aware communities.

At the first appearance of genuine violent resistance, it can be expected that the government, -and this will be true for all European governments, will move heaven and earth to put down the resistance. The full resources of the state will be employed to track down and arrest anyone suspected of being involved. A massive news blackout will be imposed and every media will be used to demonise the resistance movement. The government will seek to portray the Muslims as victims and the resistance as Nazi Racists that must be stopped at all costs.

The flip side of this is that direct action will force the government to show it’s true colours.   Which of itself will be to our advantage, but this is war and the ability to negate government propaganda will be crucial in the battle to free our people. The internet is huge but there is so much information out there that the message may just not get through to those that need to hear it.  Commandeering a network broadcaster, or establishing a pirate station may be one way of circumventing government censorship.  Not unheard of or impossible as I can attest to from New Zealand's Radio Hauraki which started out as a pirate radio station broadcasting from a boat in international waters.

The future is uncertain and the path any resistance will take cannot be predicted. I believe our survival depends on both flight and fight because without the willingness to fight we will simply never be left alone.  At this moment the future looks bleak indeed. But there are groups advocating for White Ethnostates in Sweden and North America and these groups can only grow as White people are woken up to the reality of their displacement and genocide. It is up to those of us already free to double our efforts to reach our people before it is too late.

In Sweden, there is The Nordic Resistance advocating for a white ethnostate spanning the Scandinavian countries, and Order15 standing up for White ethnic communities and a rediscovery of our ethnic roots. In North America, there is the Northwest American Republic making a bold claim to the north-west states for an exclusively White Ethnostate.

The future is ours if we are only prepared to take it.


One of the best YouTube responses I have seen so far was from The Iconoclast

Friday, 21 April 2017

The German Malaise

I woke up this morning to the news That Angela Merkel had recaptured the lead in German state elections.  Her Christian Democratic Union party won 40.7% of the vote in Sarland, a small state on the French border.

The result of three generations of anti-german propaganda.

The reason for the overwhelming joy of this melee, is the unexpected size of the victory for Angela Merkel, 40.7%, particularly in view of the perceived threat from "populist" AfD. Ms Merkel was soundly beaten last year in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania.

Incredibly, a surge in populist sentiment is portrayed as a source of fear and trepidation.  The mainstream media presents “Populist” as if this is something to be feared.  A popular government in a democratic society?  Surely to God that is the very definition and essence of democracy!
But no, populist is now imbued with a different meaning; if a set of political ideals appeal to large numbers of people and if those ideas appeal because they promote self-worth, national pride, security and prosperity for the people, then they are to be viewed with suspicion.  It seems that anything that appeals to virtues of German identity is dangerous… Interesting.  It doesn’t take much digging along this line of thought to come to the same old tired rhetoric.  The War, the Holocaust. After seventy years it seems that the only thing that will placate the blood lust of the victors is the total elimination of the German people. Their blood, their history and their achievements. And when it is done, they will be replaced in history by fabricated tales of despicable and murderous “Nazis”. The heart of Europe will finally have been ripped out and extinguished.

Too melodramatic? Very few Europeans appreciate the gravity of the situation or the magnitude of the task ahead.

Regarding that task, we should take it easy on the German people who yet remain.  I have seen since the Muslim invasion started many comments lambasting German manhood for failing to stand up for themselves or their women.

The dynamics of human psychology can be extended from the individual to the nation-state. That being the case it is possible to individualize the German tragedy down to the experience of one single individual, a woman as often countries are represented.

This is a woman that has experienced the ecstasy of love in the flowering of her youth.  The exhilaration of victory and the tragedy of defeat.
This woman is Germany now, confined,  repeatedly raped, and beaten starved and tortured, she is indoctrinated against herself and her family, strange techniques of abuse are practiced on her. She is treated as less than human. Not allowed to die, she craves only for the pain to end. But the victors, her captors will not let her die, the cycle goes on for years, mental torture and denigrating propaganda continue to the point where the thought of herself revolts her.  Those that she once loved and cherished make her vomit.

In quiet moments in her cell she is left to ponder the reason for her existence, she can no longer fathom how or why her foul and meaningless form ever came into existence. She is of course completely mad by now.

Then one day seventy years have passed, the door opens, and a bright young thing strides in, “hey get up! Why don’t you defend yourself?”. “You're so gutless, you should stand up to these goons”. And finally ”You make me sick, you’re pathetic”, and the bright young thing turns around and walks out the door.

She lies there on the floor, prostrate and weak, another mind game is over, she tries to die but can't.

The correct way to try and help someone in this state is not to try and goad them into a positive response. They are way too far gone for that, they will simply agree with all the abuses you hurl at them.  To all the internet smart arses that hurl abuses at the German people I say, what response would you give to the woman I described?

Björn Höcke of the Afd party made a speech recently in which he criticised the way Germany constantly remembers the Holocaust, and teaches it’s children that German history is “something rotten and ridiculous”. He described the German state of mind as that of “a brutally beaten people”.
The response from mainstream political parties was predictable, “neo-Nazi”, “unspeakable.”, “the AfD…must apologise to our Jewish friends.”

There are reports that the Alternative for Germany party has lost a third of its support. However, they are still polling at 8%, enough to win seats in the Bundestag in the September 17 General Election.  If their support holds.

This weekend the AfD are holdingt their party conference in Cologne.   The city is expecting 50000 German citizens to turn up to protest and disrupt and try to shut down the conference of the only political party in Germany that is fighting for the rights of Germans to be German, to secure their borders and resurrect their culture and give them a future worth having. But 50000 protesters and left wing(read communist useful idiots) extremists will attempt to shut down the conference!

It is obvious from the preceding that Germany is culturally sick, and it’s terminal. I have to conclude that if anyone is going to save Germany it in not going to be the Germans. Someone else is going to have to stand up and give this sick, betrayed and broken woman the help, understanding and yes love she needs to make the heart of Europe beat again.



Sunday, 16 April 2017

Popular media support for large scale immigration

In the case of much of the reporting, it is unlikely that there is a deliberate conspiracy.  The problem is the mindset. The media and the government is a sealed environment of liberal ideology, they are simply not capable of thinking in racial terms, and they have a very thin notion of what constitutes a country, particularly their own country. The disdain they feel for their own people is subconscious; they do not think in terms of their own “people”. That, in their arrogant ideological superiority, is beneath them,  in their conception, they belong to a superior and more highly evolved collective of “Humanity” and that is a dangerous delusion.

Nigel Lata is a popular TV personality in New Zealand who presents as being a reliable and trustworthy source due to his qualifications and background in Psychology.  In 2016  he produced an article in promoting the virtues of immigration.

Among the torrent of anti-white bias and racial ignorance was this gem of Orwellian Newspeak;
“People are worried about immigrants driving up the demand for housing but the truth is the levels of migrants coming to New Zealand has been stable for the last ten years (its just less kiwis are leaving and more kiwis are coming back), and we also need migrants to come and help build all of the houses we need. We're not going to fix the housing crisis by shutting out all the high skilled people we need to grow our economy.”
  1. Immigration has most definitely NOT been stable over the last ten years, see graph below.
  2. “…we also need migrants to come and help build all of the houses we need.” Houses we need for the migrants..! This is self-defeating circular logic. If we did not have the migrants, we would not need the houses. Obviously.
  3. “We're not going to fix the housing crisis by shutting out all the high skilled people we need to grow our economy”. Neither will it be fixed by opening the door to thousands of Indian and Asian migrants, most of whom are not qualified, not experienced, are not builders and will in no way be able to help solve the housing crisis that they themselves create by being here.  Mr Latter talks as if anyone can turn up from the punjab with hammer in hand and start building New Zealand houses. There are very specific New Zealand building codes and standards that have to be worked to. Builders in NZ have to go through a four-year apprenticeship before they are qualified to work unattended.
Net NZ Population Growth

Mr Latta’s statement also makes several false assumptions about the NZ economy
  1. “we need to grow our economy”.  This is a deeper and more complex subject but it is by no means certain that constant increases in GDP  are the only indicator of a functioning and sustainable society.
  2. “…shutting out all the high skilled people we need to grow our economy."  He seems to believe  India and China are the only sources of highly skilled people. White Europeans built western civilisation and everything in it, from the art, philosophy music and architecture, to the science and technology that the world enjoys today. New Zealand has long been known for punching above its weight in individual brilliance and technical achievement, If there is a country that needs an influx of “highly skilled people” it is India, not New Zealand.
  3. Is focussing on growing the economy going to fix the housing crisis? Not necessarily.

As it is the New Zealand economy is not only growing; it is boiling. According to the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, we have an immigration-driven economy.

  • "The growth outlook remains positive, supported by on-going accommodative monetary policy, strong population growth, and high levels of household spending and construction activity." RBNZ
  • "Economic growth in New Zealand has increased as expected and is steadily drawing on spare resources.  The outlook remains positive, supported by ongoing accommodative monetary policy, strong population growth, increased household spending and rising construction activity." RBNZ
  • "Strong net migration has lifted population growth to around 2 per cent over the last year, which means that per capita GDP growth has slowed to not much more than zero." Westpac senior economist Michael Gordon
  • "Economic growth has slowed to a rate not much more than population growth, which tells you that, beneath the surface, productivity is falling," Ebert. BNZ Economist

We have a lopsided economy that is booming in the immigration sector but still requires propping up with a historically low OCR of 1.75 % to provide stimulation for the tradeable sector.

Economically the New Zealand government has backed itself into a corner with immigration. Turn off the immigration tap and the economy will tank. Or keep it wide open and continue to hollow out the country from the inside.  Either way, the prognosis is not good.  The glib simplistic attitude of the government is summed up in this statement from our prime minister;

"In the longer term, we build our economy around people and more of them in New Zealand is a good thing." B English

Still Too White

Also from in September 2016, a white demonizing article entitled “Which is New Zealand's whitest region?

“So which part of New Zealand is diversifying the fastest, and why are other parts still so homogenous?”  What is the intent behind such a loaded question?  The whites are clearly being disparaged and backed into a corner where they can not defend themselves for fear of the dreaded “R” word. “But why is it still so white today?”  The writer of this article Laura McQuillan obviously feels at liberty to make openly racist statements against Whites. Just replace the word white with black or Asian, and the institutionalized racism becomes obvious.

But rather than calling out the radical racist agenda, the Waimakariri District Council grovels apologetically for it’s 95% white town.

“Ayers said the council was actively encouraging ethnic diversity, both through its recruitment practices, and in a programme specifically targeting the assimilation of newcomers to the district, especially those whose first language wasn't English.”

So the council announces that it is engaging in a racist recruitment program that actively disparages the white population in favour of Asian and Indian immigrants!

Even if councils across New Zealand do want to stand up to this kind of racist bullying they will not feel at liberty to do so if they doubt the support of the communities they serve.  Ultimately it is up to ordinary people to stand up to this racial bullying at first it shows it's face. It is the people who have allowed this cultural rot to creep into our communities, and it is only collective action by the same people who allowed it to happen, that will succeed in driving the Anti whites out of town.


Wednesday, 12 April 2017

The Swedish Advantage

Ever since Donald Trump pointedly mentioned Sweden at a campaign rally in February this year, the world's critical attention has finally turned to one of the most beautiful and peaceful countries in Europe. A country also renowned for the beauty of its women. A fact not lost on the millions of single Muslim men streaming into liberal Sweden. The immigrants are fortunate indeed; the Government of Sweden gives them money, a house, and when they rape a beautiful Nordic girl, they get let off, or community service, or perhaps even put up at tax payers expense in one of the special government-run hotels!

For the majority of the population who still get their information from the six o’clock news, the idea that there is anything at all amiss in happy old Sweden will come as a complete surprise. The violence and rapes go unreported, under-reported, or are spun to blame the victim or the Swedish people themselves. However, the fourteen hundred percent increase in rapes and the uncomfortable fact that Sweden is now second only behind Lesotho as the Rape Capital of the World should really come as no surprise at all.

It may be a naive innocence or a dangerous arrogance on the part of Sweden's feminist rulers. But one has to wonder what the government thought would happen when you inject a brutal and repressive medieval theocracy into a 21st-century liberal democracy? To the honest mind, there are no surprises in Sweden, the rapes, the riots, the attitude of entitlement and even conquest, so evident in the behaviour of these immigrants is explained by understanding the culture from which they came, and the religion they follow.

Yet, the liberal mindset is shackled to an ideology that brooks no dissent. And no amount of blood, rape and death will shake them free of the mental chains that bind them.

Over recent years Sweden’s population has rapidly increased to 10 million, almost all of that increase due to non-European immigration. Ethnic Swede's still comprise 77% of the population, but that figure masks the problem of white displacement and ghettoisation of Muslim communities.  Whole areas becoming no-go areas for Ethnic Swedes and police alike.

The Swedish policy of Multiculturalism adopted in 1975 has resulted in the arrival of hundreds of thousands of single men from the Muslim middle east and north Africa. One wonders what the architects of this disaster expected these men to do when confronted by thousands of beautiful, sexy, liberated Swedish girls?

The facts beg the question; did they know? In which case we are witnessing a deliberate genocide.  Or are they true believers who are genuinely surprised the Muslims are not behaving themselves! In my opinion, the answer is both. At the heart of the EU project is the policy of population replacement. This is a foundational principle as proposed by Richard Kalergy in 1925.  The implementation of said plan requires a central cadre of ideological purists, supported by an army of true believers who compose a clean sweep of all European governments; otherwise known as The Establishment. The central doctrine is subsumed into cultural Marxist/ liberal ideology and finds expression in progressive multiculturalism. Carried along by a seductive intellectualism, the useful idiots may or may not have a clue as to the true nature and purpose of the policies they support, but they support them anyway, taking whatever short term pleasure they can from the adulation of the damned.

Without discrimination, there can be no such thing as Swedish citizenship. To be ideologically consistent, Sweden must abandon all pretence to sovereignty.  The concept of Nationhood requires discrimination, and on what basis are you going to discriminate, if not race?  The maintenance of contradictory ideas requires an exercise of doublethink to maintain the pretext of a sovereign nation, while at the same time asserting, like Angela Merkel, that all that is required to become Swedish is your arrival on Swedish soil. Yes, of course, the liberal state maintains they asses all asylum applications and only accept those that “qualify”.  In 2015 there were 160000 applications, in 2016 there were 160000 qualifying asylum seekers. What is the point of a vetting process when all are accepted?    

Information on the European Migrant Crisis is freely available on the web for those with an interest to look.  They report the number of arrivals as if they just magically materialised on the beach. In the case of Sweeden, ten thousand a week!  We are expected not to ask who provided the funds to support the refugees on their travels, or who arranged the transport. Or why they were not checked when they entered Europe. Somewhere behind all this there are people with the power to stop it, or to make it happen. On the 24th November 2015 the Guardian reported that in response to Sweden's tightening of border controls an “unnamed UN official” had commented, "The last bastion of humanitarianism has fallen". Why would anyone make such a patently false statement? And why would the United Nations be so keen to see Sweeden completely overwhelmed by foreign invaders?

And the "tightening of rules"  in June 2016, simply means the application of rules that any sensible country would normally use to check who is coming into their country.   Even then, if an applicant can produce a passport, they can still get a temporary Visa, and can still apply to bring over family.  Rules that are still liberal, although now, not quite in the category of Stupid as they used to be. What the rule changes highlight is the amazing  lack of any form of controle that existed before. Apparently applicants were entitled to accomidation and a daily allowance on arrival. Rule Changes.

The cultural catastrophe unfolding in Sweden is not unique in the white world. The same story of White racial replacement is taking place in all white countries at the same time.  This is a cultur war, it's racial, and we're losing.

This is a war of information and narrative, and while Trump delivered Whites a win simply by mentioning Sweden, there are many countries that do not get a mention on YouTube, let alone in the mainstream media.

One such country is New Zealand, and in this writer's view, when compared to the situation in my country, Sweden has been presented with a huge long-term strategic advantage. Areas of Sweden are being overrun by Muslims who have no intent of being Swedish; to them, that is a ridiculous concept that deserves only derision and contempt!  Why would they have any interest in “integrating with” or becoming “like” a people who have no values, no culture and do not even believe they are a race. A People who sacrifice their women without a fight and then make excuses for their inaction. The Islamic world sees only a defenceless jewel lying prostrate before the Islamic caliphate. Our liberal rulers see the world through a feminist worldview and will not see the world as it is. This is a catastrophic miss reading of reality and will directly result in the death of a nation and a people.

In the real world, respect occurs in response to a demonstration of strength and integrity, true on a personal, and national level. If the people have no self-respect then to expect respect at the state level is futile indeed. Basically, if a people can not demonstrate self-respect, then they should expect none in return.

This is harsh criticism indeed, but in as far as it applies to Sweden it also applies to European civilization as a whole.

The Muslim New Swedes see themselves quite clearly as an invading army who’s duty it is to conquer and subjugate the native population.   Their goal is the establishment of an Islamic caliphate and the subjugation of the native population. And we can take that as meaning the extinction of the Swedish people.

To an extent, there is a degree of liberal Swedish arrogance in that they thought they could debase themselves on the world stage in an orgy of pathological virtue signaling; declare that they were nothing but barbarians with no culture or race. Throw open the borders and then expect to suffer no ill effects as a result of their embarrassing self-negation.

However, the Islamic Jihad on the European race, their violence, the rioting and the rapes, have put Sweden at a strategic advantage in the existential struggle for survival when compared to your white cousins in New Zealand.

You see down here at the bottom of the world. The racial displacement of White New Zealanders has continued rapidly, clinically and quietly.
Our National Government is every bit as Liberal and globalist as the feminist monsters in Stockholm. But under eight years of our Jewish prime minister John Key our immigration numbers went up from 15000,p/a to 125000p/a, not including refugees! And this in a country of only four and a half million.

Due to our lower population and the high number of immigrants, we are being replaced three times faster than the British. The trick to our soft and quiet genocide is in the type of immigrants they bring here. Predominantly Indian and Asian, they move in, keep to themselves and quietly displace us from our own cities. Diversity is a myth, it simply means no Whites.

Like the Muslims, they have no interest at all in the stupid liberal unspeak of integration and assimilation,- not that we want them to of course. We all know full well that integration means nothing more than Asian immigrants sleeping with our daughters. The liberal concepts of multiculturalism, diversity, and integration are suicidal policies that will destroy the country and genocide the people.

It may sound absurd to speak of the Sweedish experience of Islamic immigration as having an advantage over the quiet and peaceful displacement we have experienced in New Zealand. But regarding the practical outcome, it makes no difference whether they come with smiles or scimitars, the result is always the same, no White people.  The violence that has been perpetrated against the beautiful, innocent simpletons of the north has drawn international attention and been the catalyst for the formation of resistance groups all across Scandinavia.

But that has not been the case in New Zealand. Without a word being uttered, our largest city has been completely overrun by Asians and Indians. There are no accurate, up-to-date government figures on the demographics of Auckland available, but anecdotally the White European population of our largest city is down to around 20 percent, with some neighbourhoods being completely non-white. Once again the liberal wet dream of a multicultural paradise is proven to be just another word for white genocide.

And in New Zealand silence on the issue reigns supreme. Absolutely not a word is uttered in any media, radio or on-line about the rapid displacement of traditional New Zealanders from their own towns and cities. The reasons proffered by the government for the massive influx of "new arrivals" is the usual raft of fallacious imaginings.   "we need the skills they bring with them", "we need more people to drive the economy", "we have an obligation"...  All of this is rubbish, we still have a massive skills shortage in industry, a serious housing crisis that the government pretends has nothing to do with immigration, and the only obligation any government has is to the people who elected them, period.

Now Auckland is the motherload, and the government's plan is to push immigrants out from there into the smaller towns and provinces all over our country. Completely, irreversibly and unnecessarily upsetting the cultural balance in every part of our country.  I have laid out some fairly strong criticism in this piece, of the people and government of Sweden but I hold back nothing when I speak of my own people. I  know one thing about my own people, and that is that they are no better and in the face of this creeping cultural cancer they will do nothing but demonstrate their pathetic spineless apathy in the face of the weakest of all weapons, "oh so you're a racist are you ?" To which the sane racially aware white man may respond, "of course I'm a racist! What's the matter with that? Do you not love your own people? If your not a racist there's something wrong with you!"

To speak truth in the face of overwhelming deceit is an exhilarating experience.

We are standing right now on the cusp of history, an inflexion point in the passage of time, right now it is entirely possible that we could lose everything and disappear forever and all we have to do, is nothing.  But our enemy is thin, he is out of ammo and he is relying only on our own fear and cowardice.  He is literally relying on us just walking off the stage of history because if we don't he has nothing left to fight with.

Is it possible for the Swedish people to simply accept defeat?  For Swedish women and girls to simply accept the practice of rape in their new Swedish society; the New Sweden, a progressive multicultural wonderland?  What mode of existence would Swedish men have to accept? In Orwellian Newspeak, it is the New Swedes that define the social contract. Swedish men must accept as the new normal that their wives and daughters must make themselves available for “welcome sex” with the new Swedes upon arrival. A cultural practice that is celebrated as a liberating act of union to welcome into the bosom of our people the New Swedes that have traveled so far and waited so long.

Does this sound like a perverted sex novel? We already have on record the Sweedish prime minister declaring that Sweden belongs to the New Swedes.  That the Swedes themselves are barbarians, and the courts make it clear there are no consequences for the rape of the natives. So now if Sweden no longer belongs to the Old Swedes, then it is their moral duty to hand it over!

The stark reality of a very dark future must be made abundantly clear. And the choice laid bare. You, and we together, either stand and fight or accept a future as oppressed minorities in what was once our own country. I write this with not just Sweden in mind but my own country and all White lands as well.  Fighting can take many forms, it may be as simple as voting for a National Socialist party. Or it may mean moving to a new area and establishing a new White Ethno-State.  Or, worst case scenario it may mean actual war to rid the country of invaders.

Not making a choice is not an option. To do nothing is a choice for defeat.

These realities have been made more real to the people of Sweden, in my own New Zealand, White separation is already taking place as we move out of our cities and into the provinces. But our people are too scared to even think about having a racial consciousness.  They make excuses; they always find some politically correct way to justify moving out of a racially infested area.  There is no honesty because there is no courage.

The Swedish advantage of which I speak is that the brutal reality of multiculturalism has begun to break the bubble of political correctness. There are groups like Order 15 and Nordic Resistance openly talking about White separatism. In NZ there is no such groundswell of public consciousness.  Politically, the Sweden Democrats have re-defined the political spectrum, according to one poll, moving into first place at 23.9%, setting Sweden up for a major power shift in the 2018 general election.

By contrast, New Zealand’s political spectrum is wall to wall liberals. With only the occasional counter comment from the lone voice of Winston Peters, leader of NZ First. Nationalist groups like the NZ National Front arrive once a year on the steps of parliament to wave the flag and then retire into the background.
In the absence of a clear and present danger, it falls to lone activists to speak out, post flyers and otherwise roll in sackcloth and ashes in an attempt to wake the dead.

I believe there will be those who will survive and establish on this earth a homeland for white people, that there will be a global gathering, maybe in Harold Covington's Northwest American Republic or maybe in whatever territory the Nordic Resistance can carve out for itself from what remains of Scandinavia. I don’t know, but I do know that Sweden has been given a head start and that someday after the dust has settled from the coming conflagration, I may yet find a place in the land of the Vikings.



Saturday, 14 January 2017

German National Socialism And Its Significance For White Survival

This article was motivated by criticism of my position as being "Neo-Nazi". Hopefully, this will clarify my position on National Socialism as well as the concomitant accusations of anti-Semitism that normally accompany such criticisms.


I am not and nor are any of the videos on my channel “Neo-Nazi”  in the sense that Neo-Nazi applies to groups of far-right skinhead thugs that completely abuse and miss represent the ideals of German National Socialism.

The left associates these thugs with the term “Nazis” and then uses “Neo-Nazi” to denigrate any group that seeks to preserve ethnic Germans or Whites in general. Good trick! And we continue to do our brothers and sisters a huge disservice by constantly buying into the Jewish inspired anti-Nazi rhetoric.

The left will continue to use the “Neo-Nazi” slur for as long as we continue to buy into the rhetoric of Nazi villainy. We embolden our enemy and hamstring ourselves. The ethnic German’s have had seventy years of Genocidal propaganda directed at them, yet now from the very people who claim they are fighting for their survival they have to put up with this constant demonization and vilification by association with the terrible “Nazis”.

We need to stop giving the enemy our ammunition.  We must front up to this empty epithet and force our accusers to state their case clearly.  It’s not "Nazi", it’s National Socialist German Workers Party and it is credited with saving Germany from utter collapse.

The “Nazi” epithet is going to be thrown at Whites in any case. If we cannot respond to that positively, then we validate our opponent’s position and have lost already. We will never be able to defend ourselves and stand up for our survival unless we have an honest look at the utterly demonised NSDAP.
What exact policies of the NSDAP do the “Nazi” screaming lefties actually disagree with?
  1. Is it the Economic policy that put 4 million people to work in four years and raised the German people from the depths of despair and starvation to become the most powerful, prosperous and happiest nation in Europe; at a time when the whole world was in the depths of depression? Read The Emergency Economic Programme of The NSDAP
  2. Or perhaps it is Hitler’s Monetary policy. Hitler Established State control over the creation of money. It has been said that Hitler solved the Problem of Unemployment before Keynes had even finished explaining it.  Hitler’s Monetary Policy more than anything else was the real reason for the Second World War. The allies were not fighting for liberty or survival (Hitler wanted only peace with Britain); they were fighting on the basis of a pack of lies to preserve the profits of a banking system that was antithetical to the interests of their own people. Read Nazi Monetary Policy
  3. Was it the Old Age Pension scheme?
  4. Was it the Environmental policy? Read the Imperial Conservation Law 1935 
  5. Or the policy on Animal Welfare. Banning Vivisection and cruelty to animals 
To be sure, these are not the conscious reasons for the violent and hysterical reaction of the SJW’s of the left against any Whites making a stand for their future.  Most of the liberals who spit “Nazi!” at anyone who disagrees with them know nothing of the policies that saved the nation and revived the spirit of the German people.  But these policies are the things that must be hidden because they represent a mortal danger to the people who intend to subjugate the world to a system of financial slavery; they are policies that focus on the welfare of the people as an ethnic identity, and as a community and a Nation.

These are the ideas that must be destroyed, - or at the very least hidden from view - if the people who run the world are to achieve their aim. Fortunately for them they have something that can be used as a convenient distraction for the masses; “The Holocaust”.

The Holocaust.

NSDAP Programme. Legal enforcement. Uses of the H Narrative. A moral cosh. Allied atrocities. A confluence of interests.

The Holocaust serves two very useful purposes. First it provides untold riches and benefits to the Jewish state of Israel, and more importantly, it is used to keep a lid on any nationalist impulses the Goyim may have from time to time. The programme of the NSDAP expressed mostly common sense, even if radical solutions to rescue Germany from the desperate situation the country was in in 1920.  Many of it’s provisions – with the exception of summary execution of common criminals-  we could do well to consider ourselves.

All the common sense policies of National Socialism are deliberately hidden in the blind spot created and maintained by “The Holocaust”. This is a unique event in human history, but not for the reasons its promoters want you to believe. It is the only event in human history that is mandated by law. It is an event that has been turned into a brand and promoted like a religion. In most European countries it is illegal to question any aspect of the official Holocaust Doctrine. Hundreds of researchers, scientists and historians, and innocent citizens have been, and are still, in prison for questioning the official Holocaust story.

Sylvia Stolz; a lawyer, jailed initially for defending Ernst Zündel on charges of Holocaust denial was sentenced again on the 25 Feb 2015 to 20 months jail on the same charge.

Ursula Haverbeck, an 87 Year old German grandmother sentenced to 8 months jail for suggesting that Auschwitz was only a labour camp and not a death camp as per the establishment doctrine.

There are many others.

“The Holocaust” as a brand was created in the early 1970’s. Prior to that time it was just another tragic chapter in the long list of war crimes perpetrated by all sides in the fratricidal genocide known as WW2. However since that time the Jewish State and individual Jews have been able to extort hundreds of billions of dollars from Germany and other European states in the form of;-
  1. Direct financial aid to the Israeli government
  2. Dozens of benefit programmes to individual Holocaust survivors – defined as anyone who lived in NSDAP controlled territory.
  3. Reparations from European states, individual companies and Banks.
  4. Material infrastructure. Israeli rail system, power plants, irrigation systems…
  5. Military hardware. In 2015 Germany provided Israel with 6 nuclear-capable Dolphin-class submarines.

The Holocaust also serves to curtail any criticism of the special US/Israeli relationship.  A symbiotic relationship that serves both US strategic and corporate objectives as well as Israeli strategic interests.

The Holocaust as a moral cosh is used to keep the “stupid Goyim” in line and silence any protests against the constant march of globalism through the west. There are two aspects to the incredible effectiveness of this device.

First of all the western democracies have been prepared by two thousand years of Christian thought to accept as a moral absolute the teachings of Jesus Christ; love your enemies, do good to those that hate you, and sell all your possessions and give to the poor. This level of pathological altruism would be bad enough, but it gets worse. For decades our own education system has failed to instil in our young people a decent respect for our own race and culture. Instead, we are taught to give away everything our ancestors fought and died for and to value primitive cultures more than our own.  Thus prepared and weakened, the trap is sprung with the appearance of a sin so horrendous that not even the blood of Christ can atone.

We awful white Christians killed Gods chosen race, the Jews, and no amount of self-flagellation can atone for the infinite suffering of the six million. Or so the story goes.

To perpetuate the story and the suicidal guilt trip it engenders, all other tragedies and war crimes must be minimized, and the Jewish Holocaust must be held up as unique in world history. The Jewish wet dream of the entire White world lying prostrate before their Jewish masters relie's for it’s fulfilment on a moral hammer so huge that it completely obscures any other possible alternative. The Holocaust cuts us off from an honest investigation of a political paradigm that could save our civilisation and open up a bright future for all mankind.

And now post-war European countries are engaged in this suicidal cycle of pathological virtue signaling. Am I really stretching the tenuous strand of logical continuum between the Holocaust and the liberal Marxist politically correct ideology that permeates and destroys the western democracies? From the 1960’s on, if we had not already been culturally and racially undermined we would never have accepted so readily the long series of social reforms that sought to undermine the status quo; Gay rights, equal rights, abortion rights, civil rights, human rights (excluding the unborn child), culminating in global open immigration into white countries and only white countries.

It isn’t enough to simply bleed the west dry financially and materially. The open immigration policies that have been adopted in all white countries speaks to the larger overarching agenda. An agenda to mongrelize the people so as to remove any national or even racial identity, then they will proceed with the imposition of Jewish Communist rule, otherwise known as the New World Order.

To achieve world government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogma.” Brock Chisolm, former director of the World Health Organisation

Other Losses

None of the preceding should be construed as deprecating the horror of war crimes committed by the German side during the war. But it is equally important that we do not white wash the numerous horrific crimes committed by the British, American and Soviet allies with the full knowledge of, and in many cases the explicit command, of their leaders.

These crimes accounted for millions of deaths and constitute a deliberate genocide. Those last months of the Second World War degenerated into an orgy of genocide on a biblical scale, never before in human history have so many innocent people been deliberately murdered for such patently gratuitous reasons.
David Irving uses the term "innocenticide" to get around the propagandized term "Holocaust" as used by the Israel Lobby. It more accurately encompasses the destruction of ALL the innocent people from both sides of the conflict.

Atrocities occurred

It may be necessary to briefly discuss the factuality of the Holocaust. I have looked at the political uses to which “The Holocaust” has been put, but there is also the question of what actually happened. There is now a huge body of new and scholarly research on the Jewish Holocaust.  David Irving puts the total deaths at no more than 2.5 million (which is still a huge number and a war crime in itself), including deaths from disease and starvation. It is also established that far more were executed by machine gun than died by gassing.  Auschwitz is held up by the Jews as the centre piece of their Holocaust religion. However, no modern historian has come up with a figure greater than 140000 for Auschwitz alone. Most revisionists arrive at a figure of about 570000 for all the camps and executions together.

Now that the Auschwitz total has been reduced by 2.5 million and the gassing hypothesis has also been shown to be wildly exaggerated, we are starting after 70 years, to be able to see some uncomfortable realities.

Why? If the Holocaust is so well documented and proven must it rely on legal force rather than legal argument to make its claim to truth? And why if it is not the capstone of Jewish power must the ADL and the SPLC and the hundreds of Jewish organizations around the world use ANY and ALL force to silence even innocent questioning of the traditional Jewish narrative?

There is also the confluence of interests to consider.  The allies knew full well that what they had done was a war crime, and the most effective defense of their actions was a good distraction. The “Nazi’s”  were the perfect patsy. It was war, brutality was everywhere, allied bombing had made feeding the inmates almost impossible, and as Hitler had said, “no one will ever ask the victor if he told the truth”.

Contemporary Relevance

The white nationalist movement seems to be dividing along a clear fault line based on identifying the enemy.  YouTube personalities such as Alex Jones, Pat Condel, Paul Watson and Stefan Molyneux have hundreds of thousands of views. They are extremely provocative; they speak the truth as far as they go. They go right up to the line, describing the enemy to a tee, but never once do they actually name the pervasive Jewish influence behind the ideology promoting our destruction.

In the other camp are people who recognise the catastrophe as a deliberate ideologically driven genocide. These people clearly see the “immigration crisis” as simply the latest in a long series of programmes to undermine the west.

Focussing exclusively on the Muslims and their regular outrages against European people seems to be designed to provoke a reaction. The hope is that one day the whites will fight back. Thus far they have not. But just imagine the day when a group of armed whites take out a mosque, 200 Muslims in one hit! The global media will be all over it and the casus belli will have finally been provided to arrest all whites who do not openly support the communist agenda. Wholesale arrests and incarcerations of Whites on the pretext of public safety will destroy any and all dissent.

The way forward

My hope and goal is to promote an ideological revolution, not a global race War! Which is what appears to be the goal of some white nationalists.  The "refugees" and immigrants in their millions came by plane, train, ferry and boat and they can leave in the same way.  All that is required is the political will to make it happen.

Politics is downstream of culture.  That is why we need to focus on OUR people and on OUR culture. We need to support programmes to educate our people about our glorious European heritage. Rather than constantly rubbing our noses in our weakness and our plight. We have been the artists, poets, scientists, and civilizers of the world and our people must know that on the future of European Civilisation depends the future of the world.  We need to be out there letting our young people know that race mixing is NOT cool. The young women and girls must know that the only way they will ever have a beautiful White baby is with a good White man.  And that in so doing they achieve the greatest honor for themselves and their family.

People may say that it's too late, that these foreigners are here to stay and there is no way we can get rid of them. But that is not true, history abounds with examples of large-scale population transfers. Most recently after WW2, and that was millions of Germans expelled from lands they had occupied for centuries.

The motivation to be rid of these foreigners in our lands is not hate, as the liberals would scream, but Love.  We have allowed the left to frame acts of love in terms of hate.  When a man speaks out against the destruction of his community and his ancient culture, could it not simply be because of a Love for his own people?

One thing is for sure, this situation is a historical anomaly. It will not last

By fighting the Muslims we are fighting the symptom. It is right that we should stand up to our governments on immigration and defend ourselves against the immigrants themselves. However, the government is armed to the teeth with all manner of legislation to ban our organizations and arrest our leaders.  While we have no territory to call our own and no means with which to defend it, and while we are in the grip of treacherous governments worldwide, we have no option but to work with what we have, that being ourselves and the political system that exists.  But when a critical mass of public opinion has been reached, political change can and will come quickly.

Anyone who fails to see or recognize that the ideological influence behind the present global paradigm is Jewish in origin will also fail to understand the true nature of the problem or the gravity of the situation. They will fail to correctly identify the source of the problem or be able to deal with it effectively. You will be forever shadow boxing, wondering why you are never able to land a blow.

To round this argument out I believe we must recognize that this is a Racial threat against ALL of us, Germans, Scandinavians,  Russians and the whole Anglo-Saxon world. We must fight together against the clearly identified ideological and racial enemy. And we can not afford to make the same mistake again of underestimating our racial enemy. He is highly disciplined, totally dedicated, absolutely ruthless and he will never ever stop.



Other notes. 

Jewish Quotes

  • “We Jews are going to bring a war on Germany” David A Brown. National Chairman, United Jewish Campaign, 1934
  • “’Judea Declares War on Germany!’   Jews of all the World Unite! Boycott of German Goods!” Daily Express 24 March 1933
  • And again on the 5th September 1939. “The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany… holy war against Hitler’s people.”  Chaim Weizmann, Zionist Leader.

Other quotes about A Hitler.

"You can thank God you have such a wonderful man as your leader”  Lloyd George

If ever Britain was plunged into a disaster comparable to the one that afflicted Germany in 1918 I would ask God that He should send us a man with the strength and the character of your Excellency.”  Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill’s Article in the Illustrated Sunday News Feb 8, 1920. Highlighting the Jewish role in the Russian revolution.

The Holocaust is the capstone issue of our time. We must break through the blizzard of Holocaust propaganda if we are ever going to free our people of this millstone of guilt and obligation to these Jewish charlatans.
1. The Holocaust Industry is a racket.
2. The figure of six million is a rhetorical figure that comes from the Babylonian Talmud. It has repeatedly been used to elicit money and sympathy from the west. They finally got the myth to stick after WW2 with the complicit knowledge of the allies.
3. The H industry uses Auschwitz as it’s centre piece.