Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Left wing over reach triggering it’s own demise.

Absent the violence required to bring about a revolution in society, we are seeing something occurring that is truly unexpected. One would normally expect that without physical resistance then the slow rot of our civilization would eat away at the foundations until there was nothing but dogs and beggars wandering in the ruins of what we once made.

But something strange is just noticeable on the horizon. We are in the midst of a culture war, we can all agree on that. The Right, standing for truth and nature faces the overwhelming power of the contrived lies and wishful thinking of the unhinged and deranged masses of a once forthright people. But could it be that the left are getting caught in the tightening coils of their own lies?

We understand that the peaceful separation of ethnic Racial groups is the natural condition of Man. We need it and we will have it. But social constraint and legal prohibitions on freedom of speech and expression,- which is always just a shorthand for thought crime,- has forced the urge of man to express itself in whatever other way it can.

So now in America the political Right and the drive for Ethno-Nationalism is degraded to support for Economic Nationalism or Civic nationalism.

So whites in America and beyond cling to Nationalism, which at its core is defined by Race but cloaked in economic principles or what is called Civic Nationalism, “united by ideology, if you support our ideals and our economic goals then you are part of our nation”. These are fraudulent ideals, and the truth will come out. And whites only cling to these policies because they still cannot come out openly in support of White Racial integrity.

But the left opposes these ideas because they see through the pretense and know just as well as we do that nationhood is shorthand for race. And that of course in unacceptable. They have to destroy nationhood because they have to destroy our Race.

The fly in the ointment is that they have destroyed us with people who they have not at first destroyed. The Blacks and Arabs and Asians they are using to destroy our civilization are highly ethnocentric, and they will pursue their ethnic interests because that is the natural state of Man. If they were what we are, i.e. a large mass of largely deracinated unpeople, then they would quietly flood into all sections of our community, dress like us, eat like us and perhaps even eventually think like us in so far as racial disposition allows. They would have no religion other than the pursuit of money and frivolity. The only thing that would distinguish them from us would be the colour of their skin, and of course the many other racial markers that ideology cannot hide.

Put another way. The unmitigated anti-white hatred of the Judaic plan to destroy Europe, has and will continue to over extend itself. They have already succeeded in destroying our people ideologically. But they had to go and try and destroy us Racially as well. Using people who if nothing else stand for Race and Nation, and they in their millions in our lands may force us finally to recognize what is and always has been right in front of our eyes. The fact that we exist as a racial and National group and we have legitimate ethnic needs that will not be met by continuing to support governments that are explicitly trying to wipe us out!

How will whites in different parts of the world respond to being displaced by multiple fiercely nationalistic groups who will vote as a block for the candidate and party that serves their needs? Will whites ever get the message that radical individualism put’s them at such a profound disadvantage in the new identitairian world that if they don’t vote as a block for their own needs then there will be nothing for them at all? The first and foremost ethnic need is territory, space. Man is more than economics and sex. Despite what the Jew tells you, you are more than that. And it seems the other Ethnic groups are well aware of this, but whites? No. We swallow on pain of being called Racist , every stupid and obvious lie they feed us.

Now as the Mexicans and Blacks group up and lobby for secession of various States to form their own Ethnic nations and in The UK the political parties compete for the vote of the various ethnic groups,- except for Whites of course, who in their foolish nativity still don’t get how politics actually works. Whites will find themselves actually forced by default into separate nationhood. The Left will die, even as it tries to be the vanguard protecting the interest of multiple competing so called minority groups against the presumed dominance of the White community. It’s homicidal drive for Multiculturalism and Diversity will finally be exposed for what it is. All that remains to be decided is weather the transition will be obtained in blood and violence or by negotiation and détente

The situation in the UK is worse than in the US, both psychologically and geographically. They are scared and timid, don’t recognize themselves as a group and don’t vote as a block. The reality will eventually bite however, and they will be forced to either recognize their identity and vote for their interests, or carry on in naivety and fear accepting only what crumbs fall from the table where decisions are made. Neither is there enough geographical area to make a viable new Ethno state a possibility in the European theater of operations. There are millions of none whites already there, and while it is not impossible to move millions of people out of an area, the political will to do so is not there.

In America under this scenario the Ethno state will develop as the default position. It is well known that many American whites are armed to the teeth, that fact alone may well be enough to bring about a negotiated breakup of the United States into distinct ethnic Nations.