Good afternoon Christchurch
I am going to present some ideas today that many of you may have not heard before. Ideas you may find confronting or uncomfortable or even offensive. All I ask is that you hear me out and attempt to keep the carnage to manageable levels. As Jordan Peterson famously remarked, “In order to be able to think you have to risk being offensive” And thinking at this time in the political arena is something that is desperately needed, both here at home and even more so in the international arena.Let's talk about Freedom of speech
First, off we should talk about Freedom of speech. We all like to think that we support the idea of Freedom of Speech. Many of us would hold that this is a basic tenet of western democracy. But just how far are we prepared to go in extending the franchise into the domain of people with whom you have fundamental disagreements?
We are in ideologically unchartered waters when we attempt to extend this uniquely European invention to people and cultures who explicitly desire to dismantle or replace the very system that created the principle in the first place. The idea of Freedom of Speech as a system of conflict resolution and social development is a peculiarly European invention and it works well enough within a European Cultural framework.
The problem with our understanding of democracy and freedom of speech is that we arrogantly expect and assume that all other peoples and cultures have the same set of fundamental beliefs and moral norms as we do. We live in the post-Christian west, but it would be a mistake to assume our worldview has not been conditioned to a great extent by our Christian heritage.
The idea of Freedom of Speech is that you are free to say anything, and as a defender and promoter of freedom of speech I must accept that people are going to say things I disagree with. And that of course is the point, it is the right to say things that are Not popular. It is the idea that all ideas are open to debate with the intention that by thrashing out ideas and concepts in an open and honest forum we can keep a check on government and move our society along in a direction that is in the interests of ourselves and our children.
A certain degree of implicit trust and honesty are underlying prerequisites to the working of Freedom of Speech; and those characteristics are bedrock norms that underpin our cultural makeup. These are foundational beliefs that are so basic to our people that no one ever thinks to even mention it. It goes without saying that everyone involved in our community is part of our group and is making an honest and sincere, even if on occasion misguided attempt to improve the lot of our people. However, the whole paradigm is thrown into disarray when an out-group is afforded the same level of trust when they take the podium. The situation is compounded if the out-group cannot be easily identified.
Uniquely Vulnerable
So the system is vulnerable to abuse by people who are not part of our “group” and seek to take advantage of our system in order to advance their own interests at our expense. In theory, the presentation of counter survival ideas should be picked up immediately and rebuffed by other speakers, but an underlying weakness of our high trust society seems to be that we are uniquely vulnerable to subtle deceit and miss-direction.As a people, we are not used to making arbitrary exclusions of people and ideas on the basis of race or culture. We like to think of ourselves as helpful, trusting and inclusive. We pride ourselves as being rational, objective and considerate even going the extra mile to see things from the other person’s point of view. But group survival, in terms of a national/ethnic and cultural identity -dictates that we MUST discriminate in favor of ourselves, and against ideas that threaten our survival. But as a global Racial community, we simply won’t do it, and we are paying the price for our altruism. European civilization worldwide is being progressively cowed into submission by an overwhelming terror of being called, “Racist”!
All across the western world, in those parts of the world that were until only very recently regarded as “White Countries”, freedom of speech has been under attack. Either overtly by the direct intervention of the government arresting and deporting journalists and speakers, Or by legislation, criminalizing dissent or criticism of ethnic replacement, or by the subtle power of self-censorship. It does not take long for people to realize what can and cannot be said or even thought.
What is the context of this sudden and dramatic curtailment of our right to be heard? You are not allowed to criticise Islam, you are allowed to criticise Christianity. You are not allowed to even mention the Jews but Whites and our history is to be demonized endlessly. Other Racial groups are encouraged to foster and protect their ethnic and Racial heritage, but Auckland University cannot have a European Student Association without threats of violence against its members. Other Races can have secure homogeneous homelands but whites must be quiet while we are displaced, replaced and genocided in our own homelands.Closer to home, an article on Stuff from 2016 asks “Which is New Zealand’s Whitest region” With absolutely no attempt to hide the Anti White bias and accusative tone the writer askes “But why is it still so white today?” The writer of this article Laura McQuillan obviously feels at liberty to make openly racist statements against Whites. Just replace the word White with black or Asian, and the institutionalized racism becomes obvious. If this sort of article had been published asking why a particular town was so Black or Maori with the clear implication that it needs to do more to reduce the percentage of those non-white people in a given community there would be international outrage; a political crisis would ensue, ambassadors would be recalled and political censure and sanctions would be imposed!
But rather than calling out the radical racist agenda, the Waimakariri District Council grovels apologetically for it’s 95% white town. And assures the reader that the council is doing all it can to discriminate against White applicants for council jobs. “Ayers said the council was actively encouraging ethnic diversity, both through its recruitment practices and in a programme specifically targeting the assimilation of newcomers to the district, especially those whose first language wasn't English.”
On the other hand, Wairoa in northern Hawkes Bay gets the prise for being New Zealand ’s most diverse spot. But of course it is not Diverse, it just has more Maori people than Whites, 62 to 51% (2013) with a smattering of Pacific Islanders and Asians.
That is the context of the current hysteria whenever the rules of political correctness are broken.
Ladies and gentlemen we have to break those rules. Whether you believe it is all good fine fair and reasonable for the global powers to deliberately genocide my people or not, we owe it to ourselves to at least hear another side to the story.
The current catastrophe occurring in South Africa is the worst example of the results of political correctness, but the slaughters across Europe and the systematic rape of up to a million British girls all result from the same malaise. We must overcome this self-imposed ban on noticing if we ever intend to preserve the communities we grew up in.
So Let’s talk about Racism. It seems that almost the entirety of western civilization is going down in paralyzed terror of being called that one simple word “Racist”. I do not believe anyone is actually born “Racist”, and by that I mean prone to oppressive discrimination against a person or group on the basis of race alone. Whites are, perhaps the most un-racist Racial group on the planet. Probably due to the fact that we have far more phylogenic diversity within our own race than any other Race on Earth.
Racial awareness in Whites tends to come about more as a result of noticing. Noticing particular trends in the Media, or particular not so subtle trends in advertising, and then the movies. And then most ominously what is happening in our own towns and cities. And for those paying attention to events in the rest of the White world, the trend is irrefutable.
The fact is, the deliberate denigration of White culture and history has done more to create a sense of racial awareness and brotherhood in White people around the world in the last few years than could ever have been hoped for by what the media likes to refer to as right-wing extremism.
It has been said that political correctness is simply a ban on noticing. The ability to notice what is occurring in the White world does not mean you have a pathological hatred of all things beige or slightly off-white. That’s ridiculous, but in essence, that is what we are expected to believe.
In truth, the fact that normal people notice the obvious simply means that you are not so shallow and gullible as to accept without question the ridiculous lies and obfuscations put forward by our governments.
Race is an extension of family, the people we have known and experienced life with for thousands of years. A shared racial bond established over millennia and encoded deeply genetically and spiritually in the people we have become today.
New Zealanders are generous people; forbearing to a fault. When I was in Wellington last year I was confronted as an independent citizen. In one instance a young Indian man used a megaphone to scream in my face that I was a racist. Imagine that, New Zealand has a predominantly White European culture, settled predominantly by White people from the British Isles. We let a man from a foreign race and culture into our country who then screams his demands and accusations at White citizens that We are racist for not allowing more people like him into our country.
New Zealanders are forbearing to a fault. Forbearing means “an abstaining from the enforcement of a right”. That right is to live in peace, in our country, with our own people unmolested. A fairly reasonable expectation I think. We like to feel good about ourselves in our generosity and hospitality. We have been led to believe that ALL people are the same no matter where they come from or what their background is. So we bow our heads, fail to complain and pretend not to notice what has happened to our country.
I’ll bring it down to the personal level to make the point
It’s somewhat like having visitors come to stay, who at first you welcome with open arms, it’s all smiles and laughter as you feed them, ply them with liqueur, give them a room and a bed and tell them to make themselves at home. Which they do. And all is well, but they stay longer than expected, they bring their children and their parents and take another room. They use the kitchen at all hours and leave the cooking smells of a foreign land lingering in the air. The delightful novelty of another culture in your home soon loses it’s shine. You come home from work one day to find your family outnumbered your couch unavailable, your fridge empty and bills on the table. Upstairs their son is making himself known to your teenage daughter. They are doing what you said, making themselves at home, only now, by becoming their home, it is no longer yours.
New Zealanders have found themselves after years of altruistic generosity, in the completely intolerable position of having to say to the visitors “Well actually this is our house! This is the home we made for us, you have come in here and behaved as if our land is vacant, as if we do not exist, as if our country is a vacant piece of land that is freely available for you to come and claim as you see fit and to build your culture here as if there was nothing here to begin with. Everything we had we took for granted, while it was not under threat, but now that you have taken our peace we see what we had and we want it back.”
Mass none white immigration is a problem occurring in all white countries and only white countries. In each country, the characteristics of this replacement are slightly different and the process may be further along in some places than others. But the demographic change is occurring at breakneck speed and the justifications used are always the same; it’s either the moral obligation or the economic imperative. These decisions have always been made in private by politicians, bureaucrats and business leaders who only see the wonderful benefits of mass immigration to suppress wages and lift profits. We have young men working in New Zealand trying to support a wife and child on 17, and 18 dollars an hour. They would like to have more children, but they simply can't’ afford it. This is a demographic catastrophe in the making, in a few years time you can imagine the government declaring in great surprise “gosh there’s not enough people, what a surprise! I know; let's open the borders!” To Asia, China, to India, to Pakistan, Africa and its teeming millions, to the middle east.
But will these same people think about helping our racial brothers and sisters escape crushing poverty and ethnocide in South Africa or help our European people escape the broken cities of Europe, I seriously doubt it… Because that is not “diversity”.
How has this situation come about where our young people simply cannot afford to have children, when for decades upon decades through every election cycle all we ever hear about is the economy?
Even now the government has backed itself into a corner, we have an Immigration based economy, with real GDP of zero or close to it. This is a situation that, if allowed to continue will be disastrous for everyone, new foreign immigrants, New Zealand Whites and Maori alike.
Now, before I am shouted down with the usual tirade of racist abuse let me say I have nothing against the people who come here. They are for the most part only doing the very best they can for themselves and their families. And if the situation were reversed, I’m sure I would do all I could, to get myself and the rest of my family into India for example, so that I might take advantage of the wonderful society that the Indian people had created for themselves. So that I might be able to take advantage of all kinds of benefits the Indian people receive, like for example, free education, or free health care, or unemployment benefits, or a sickness benefit, or if I have an accident, then compensation for injury. Or cheap government funded housing. Obviously, I would have to be a complete idiot to not try and get into India in any way I could, if the situation were reversed.
However the situation is not reversed, and it is our small nation of New Zealand that is being force fed an indigestible diet of people from parts of the world that have absolutely nothing in common with the European cultural heritage of New Zealand.
White survival
White survival is completely unacceptable to the global elites. Our survival as a distinct racial and cultural group undermines the foundations of what has been called the “New World Order”. What is required for this globalist dream to work is the transformation of a diverse multicultural world of nations and peoples into a global mass of faceless units of consumption and production.
For us to survive would mean a complete about-face, an absolute rejection and refutation of everything we have been taught to believe about our people for a hundred years.
We must love what we have been taught to hate. Up until now, we have been taught to tolerate, that which will destroy us, to love those that hate us and to disregard our own Ethnic interests. We have been taught to pretend that we have no group interests at all because we don’t exist. All of these concepts are false and fatal to our prospects.
We are now at a point as a civilization where we can no longer afford to silently tolerate those amongst us that explicitly preach our death or enslavement, viz Islam, or even the subtle replacement of our people on the basis of some imposed moral obligation. When we accept that it is wrong or evil and suppress the natural desire to protect our own people we corrupt ourselves and make a meaningful cultural self-defense impossible. Ideas precede action, as it would seem the designers of our psychological architecture are well aware.
Once we recognize the global agenda and our brotherhood with the international community of European peoples we will realize that it is perfectly right, normal, healthy and proper that we should defend our right to a homeland of our own. In the same way that the Chinese are not called Racists because they are almost 100 percent homogenous, or the Japanese or the Indians or indeed the entire African continent. We too must reject these worn out epithets and slurs and be proud of who we are and what we have achieved in the World as well as right here in New Zealand.
So let me reiterate. The desire to preserve what we already have here in our New Zealand should not be construed as a negative comment on people from other lands. I have no intention to impugn the character or race of foreign peoples. But this is our place, that we built for ourselves. And just because we built something great does not mean we have any moral obligation to open our borders to the rest of the world. Quite the reverse, we need to protect what we have, and if we can help other peoples to better themselves in their own lands then as a humanitarian gesture we should do all we can to help. But not at the expense of our own cultural identity.
Maori Activism
I believe the situation for the New Zealand Maori people is also extremely grim unless they can bring themselves to embrace a nationalistic point of view. My point of view is that Maori interests are best served by supporting the only party in New Zealand, that explicitly seeks to preserve the traditional ethnic and cultural makeup of New Zealand.
It is extremely disheartening to see Maori activists siding with left-wing groups whose aims will directly undermine Maori prospects. The left uses the seductive language of “Human rights” to pit one group against the other. Whether it is Human Rights, Maori Rights or Land Rights, none of these “Rights” are going to be of any use to you if you have no job, and no benefit and are left to stand in line as just another member of just another minority group in a fractured and broken society. In this dystopian prediction of a not too distant future, New Zealand will have a population of say 7 million, and baring a sudden and dramatic increase in Maori birth rates, Maori will fall to perhaps 8% of the population. European New Zealanders could be 48% with 44% of our population made up of Asians and Indians. At this point New Zealand is not “Our” country anymore, it is only “A” country. Nothing more than an economic region, a corporate profit center if you will. And of course, that has been the objective all along.
I believe the Maori Establishment and leadership need to stop looking backward to historical grievances, real or contrived and the government needs to ensure that happens by curtailing the gravy train of the grievance industry. Not that I blame any Maori group or individual for taking advantage of the gravy train thus made available. Anyone would do that. But until the government removes the incentive for looking backward we will not be able to live in the present or face the problems of the future together. While we are distracted and bickering over grievances of the past our collective future is being stolen from under our noses. It’s like driving down the road constantly looking in the rear vision mirror all the time, you’re going to have an accident doing that. We need to work together, pay attention to what’s happening on the road ahead and secure a future for both of our peoples in the land we all call home, our New Zealand.