Saturday, 31 December 2016

Reclaiming The Language

There are certain words in the English language that have been commandeered by our collective enemy, weaponized and then used against us to promote our destruction.

Our enemy is the Judaic inspired left, the liberals, and the Marxists. The progenitors of which have been pursuing us for two thousand years.

In this article, I want to address some of these important button words for the purpose of reclaiming them back into the common lexicon of English words and phrases. The power of these weaponized words is immense and should not be underestimated.

Currently, we are bludgeoned into silence with the words of our own language. Our forbearance, empathy and consideration for the opinion of others has been taken advantage of to the point that we are on the brink now of the irretrievable disappearance of ethnic Europeans.

The task of reclaiming our language is vitally important if we are ever to regain the freedom to  effectively defend ourselves against the spurious slurs and false allegations made against us.

Some of these so weaponized words would include the following
Race, Conspiracy, Fanatic, Hate, Extremist and even the word “White” when used in the context of denoting our race.

Race,- Racist, Racism
First I will look at some dictionary definitions, old and new to see what has happened to the word over time.
From the 1981 edition of The Living Webster Encyclopaedic dictionary of the English language;
  1. A group of persons connected by common descent or origin. A family tribe or people.
  2. A major division of mankind characterised by a combination of certain physical traits which are genetically transmitted.
  3. A group of tribes or peoples forming an ethnic stock.
  4. The condition of belonging to a particular people or stock.  
Comparing older definitions of the word Race to newer online dictionary definitions reveals something very strange. The word itself has come to be treated with disdain and contempt.

The Wikipedia entry points out that the word has fallen out of use in favour of less emotionally charged words.
The dictionary dot com definition of Race describes Race as "supposedly distinctive physical characteristics" and an “…arbitrary classification of humans”

These disclaimers and riders are a not so subtle attempt to push aside the obvious biological facts. According to this politically distorted view of reality, the obvious differences between the Australian Aboriginal and your blue-eyed Scandinavian are only “supposedly distinctive”.

The modern dictionary definition does not reflect reality, rather it is designed to serve a specific political and ideological agenda.

In this paradigm, the dictionary has ceased to be a reference and lexicon of the English language and has fallen to the exigencies of propaganda. At some point, we have to insist on the truth. There has to be some level of our culture where we can trust that truth has been respected. If not then we unwind and handicap our culture. We have to keep peeling back the layers of corrupted intellectual endeavour in search of a foundation upon which we can once again begin to build up the pillars of our intellectual foundation.

That is what this effort is about. Weeding out from our language words and structures that have been corrupted for political gain. They take our clear and explicit language and make out of it a noose for our own neck.

So I claim right here that Race is good, Race is right, Race exists and to acknowledge that obvious fact should be the most normal and rational observation. To be a Race-ist means simply that you recognise this self-evident fact.

Racism is simply the ideological position that races exist and have a right to pursue their own best interests. The true meaning of Racist should contain no negative connotations at all. The word has been deliberately loaded with emotional blackmail in an attempt to force white people to deny their own Race.

Before one can fight for the continued existence of a racial group you first have to acknowledge that race as a human biological reality exists.
I envisage a time when a Negro, a Chinese, an Arab and a White can all proclaim clearly that they are racists in a spirit of respect and cooperation. Each acknowledging the Racial integrity of the other and being free to pursue the cultural interests of their own people.
White Europeans are encouraged to believe that the very concept of race is false, but only when it is applied to Whites.

Incredibly, even the word that denotes our race has been loaded with negative sentiment that tries to put Europeans on the defensive and apologise for just existing.
One of the fabricated red hearings used to fool weak minded people into going along with the plan of genocide for Europeans is the idea that Race was the root cause of the European wars. And that the only way to maintain world please is to annihilate all the White people!  That’s all of them, not just the ethnic Germans as proposed by Theodore  Kaufman in his 1941 book “Germany Must Perish”, but all of them, wherever they can be found.

It is true that the history of Europe is a history of Wars just the same as the histories of any other people are sagas of conflict and strife. However these are not Race wars, they are dynastic wars or Religious wars or wars created and fought for the profit of the ruling elite. Particularly the two world wars of the twentieth century were fratricidal wars of unparalleled destruction fought for reasons of geopolitical strategy and profit.

To offer as a solution to the problem of war, the deliberate annihilation of the borders and peoples of Europe is the most horrific and unspeakable proposition in all of human history. These people actually believe that the deliberate extermination of the apex civilisation on the planet is a good way forward to world peace!   It is the people who create these wars that need to be dealt with not the people who fought and died in them.

Resources David Duke on the decline of the White race.

noun, plural conspiracies.
1.  the act of conspiring.
2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose:
He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
4. Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.

The new "establishment" inflexion to the definition is that anyone so tarred with the label of "conspiracy theorist" is also a nutjob loony that no one should take any notice of, unless you too want to be seen as a nutjob looney as well.

This redefinition is clever in that it relies on individual ego for its effectiveness.  No one wants to be ostracised or thought of as stupid. The effort here is to portray someone with a theory the government doesn't like, or an idea that will expose government criminality, as an idiot. If they can discredit the individual rather than deal directly with his allegations they can drive away his support base on the basis of personal ego alone.

The effect is that real conspiracies like Guy Fawkes can no longer be discussed without looking like a complete looney!

This approach should be countered simply by sticking to the truth.  The point at issue is the truth of any allegation. Just because one allegation of conspiracy may turn out to be false, does not mean that all conspiracies are therefore false.  It's like assuming that because bananas are shipped in boats, therefore, all boats are banana boats.  It shows an incredible degree of intellectual laziness.

Prior to the first world war, the views held today by Racial realists and nationalists would have been considered completely normal and mainstream.  Yet now, with the total penetration of left-wing and Marxist ideology through all the institutions of the western world, the Overton Window of acceptable points of view has been moved so far to the left that the once normal and healthy regard for your own people and country is considered the most hateful and evil thing in the world.  If you could transport a regular British citizen of that period through a hole in space-time onto one of the liberal university campuses of 2016 he would be shocked and amazed to find himself being "accused" of being a racist.  He would be like "what? You mean your not? Why not?"  "Race" for him, is taken as a self evident fact. It's independent of good or bad, and to believe in the concept cannot possibly have any effect on one's moral standing.

Once again, do not buckle to peer pressure. State boldly and clearly your position and let the light of truth and reason destroy their false ideology.

Everyone thinks hate is such a bad thing. And we are always told to eschew hate at all costs. "Do not allow hate to eat you up", and "don't allow hate in your heart".   But there is another side to hate. Hate is a normal and very powerful emotion, it can drive a man to action when fear of physical harm or failure would normally paralyse his mind and his body.

The liberals in their pathological altruism claim they are incapable of hate. If that is true then they only advertise their place in the line of sitting ducks. Waiting for their turn at the hands of the next criminal. Do you not hate the man who comes to rape and kill your wife? What about those that would do harm to your children, are you going to say you don't hate them? Or the government departments that steal your property and interfere with your family, are you completely indifferent to these people?

Now we have Hate Speach and Hate Crime legislation.  These are simply the tools of tyrannical governments to shut down dissent and free speech.

Remember the quote from Orwell and speak.  "In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

 Kai Murros on Hate

Monday, 19 December 2016

Why must we fight?

The following text served as the basis for an address given at Speakers Corner, Albert Park. Auckland on Tuesday 13th December 2016.

Pease is always the easiest option.

Weather on the personal, national, or even on a racial and cultural level. Even the aggressor wants peace; “Just give me your stuff”, “step aside and let us in”  or “stop complaining, you deserve it anyway”. Yes, peace is easy to achieve and maintain. All that is required is a complete lack of national and cultural identity.

When you have no nation, and no race and when all that is left is Homo Economicus, a type of deracinated humanoid island existing in an atomised society in which every single human being is regarded by the state and himself as an island distinct from all the other human islands surrounding him and in corporate jargon regarded as a "human resource" or in the jargon of the state as a unit of work and consumption, this, in place of the racially defined man of the Nation, then, in that case, it makes no difference who occupies what territory, even the very notion of a country seems obsolete.  And so in such a paradigm to rise up in armed defence of your territory against an invading army would seem equally ridiculous. They are "People" of course just like us and whether they come armed with swords scimitars or smiles they are still just people.

But we live in a time of discovery. We are discovering something about ourselves. That there is something about ourselves that is hard wired. We are discovering that even after 70 years of liberal Zionist propaganda there is something hard-wired about us that even we didn’t know couldn’t be changed. We are different, and some of us are only now just starting to realise how different we are.

The European people are creative beyond comparison. Not every single member of our race obviously, but year on year, appear amongst us artists, inventors, scientists, engineers architects and philosophers and doctors and musicians who have advanced the cause of human thought and civilisation. Completely outstripping any other branch of humanity. And now after thousands of years of achievement in every field of human endeavour, we have allowed ourselves to be persuaded to feel bad about it!

We have our failings, of course, we have become soft, introspective gullible and naïve to an absurd and ridiculous degree. But we are discovering something about ourselves. That we are still all the things we have always been. We are discovering these things about ourselves because we have been forced by our adversaries to ask some very disturbing questions. We have for years been encouraged not to think of ourselves as a race, yet now we can see quite clearly that we are being attacked as a race on a global scale. Why? And by whom?  There is only one constant in the open and global drive for mass immigration. All White countries and only White countries are being targeted and slated for destruction!

And why would any person,  group or entity seek to wipe us out globally in every country on earth all at the same time? The only conclusion we can arrive at is that they want us gone simply because of the threat we pose to them and their plans by our continued existence. Regardless of how outlandish or ridiculous that may sound, we cannot escape the practical realities of what is happening.

After eight years of our Jewish prime minister Key in New Zealand, the communist Merkel in Germany, Jewish Cameron in London and African-American Obama in the US, white people the world over are waking up to the fact that if we are to survive as an ethnic identity at all, then we are going to have to become the very thing they accuse us of being in order to justify our demise.

I’m talking of course about the accusations of “white supremacist”, "Racist" and complaints of "white oppression".  How do the people that make these spurious accusations suppose the wealth of white European countries came about? They like to pretend that the wealth of white countries is a fact independent of the people who produced it. Was it just luck, and if black explorers from Africa had found Australia then they too would have inherited the lucky country?   No.  There is a self-fulfilling nature to these accusations because they force us to think about how our wealth and civilization came about. It came about because of who we are. It's what we do as a racial group that makes the difference.

And now the waking White Race stands with it's back against the wall, sick and tired of being taken advantage of and apologizing for existing. We face an existential threat and in the bloody world of conquest and survival and because no one ever fought to the death for the right to be average, we, therefore, of necessity MUST believe that we are a race that is worthy of survival and we MUST declare our primacy over the territory we call ours. And that, by definition makes us who would live, White supremacists!

And so from now on, we will brush off these asinine slurs, the childish petulance of all the useful idiots of the Marxist left, and say to all white men of character it's time to grow up, grow a pair, stand up and defend our people.

And finally a reminder about our eternal enemy. Do not underestimate him, he may come to you as a lamb in distress, preying on your natural empathy but beware; our eternal enemy is highly organised, totally dedicated, absolutely ruthless and he will never ever stop.


Thursday, 8 December 2016

Albert Park Address

What follows is the text that served as the basis for an address given at "speakers corner" in Albert Park, Auckland on the 6th December 2016.

People of Auckland, we need to talk!

There is a crime being committed here in this city and across the nation.  It is a crime that occurs daily and weekly, and by the month. It is a slow creeping crime that stares us in the face every day and rots the soul of our country, leaving us with something that we never expected or asked for, and certainly never voted for.

The United Nations definition of genocide includes the act of deliberately inflicting on a group, conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.

Remember that legal definition when you travel around this city, and the towns and cities of our country. And remember it when you are being crowded out of your towns and cities by an avalanche of foreigners and when our children have to compete for a place in school with the children of thousands of immigrants brought into our country in only the last 3 years.

These are precisely the conditions of life that qualify as a deliberate act of ethnic genocide under the 1948 genocide convention resolution 260.

Now, before I am shouted down with the usual tirade of racist abuse let me say I have nothing against the people who come here. They are for the most part only doing the very best they can for themselves and their families. And if the situation were reversed, I’m sure I would do all I could, to get myself and the rest of my family into India for example, so that I could take advantage of the wonderful society that the Indian people had created for themselves. So that I might be able to take advantage of all kinds of benefits the Indian people receive,  like for example, free education, or free health care, or unemployment benefits, or a sickness benefit, or if I have an accident, then compensation for injury. Or cheap government funded housing. Obviously, I would have to be a complete idiot to not try and get into India in any way I could, if the situation were reversed.

However the situation is not reversed, and it is our small nation of new Zealand that only recently past the four million mark that is being force fed an indigestible diet of people from parts of the world that have absolutely nothing in common with the European cultural heritage of new Zealand.

Rather, by beef is with our own government.  The Key government has, without consultation or consideration of the will of the people, taken it upon itself, to act upon the same left wing liberal ideology that is currently laying waste to so much of Europe.

The usual thin threadbare and inadequate excuses will no longer pacify a New Zealand public that is sick to death of being ignored.  We are told that we “need” immigration to provide all the skills required for our growing economy. Or simply that we need more of these generic “people” to provide for the growth of the economy. And of course, we must never question the Keynesian economic dogma of growth.

Even though now we have the immigrants, but where is the growth?
Even though now we have the immigrants, but where are the skills that justified their arrival?

Wake up People! We’ve been sold a pack of lies for a political agenda.

No government has ever been elected with a mandate to engage in social engineering on such a massive and far-reaching scale,  based as it is, on a foreign and suicidal ideology.

There has never been a society or culture that has been able to withstand such massive racial mixing and yet still retain its cultural identity.

The problem here is that the ideological idiots in charge of New Zealand are so culturally bankrupt that they do not even consider that we even have a cultural identity in the first place.
And what I am here today to say is that we do!
The government does not even know what a country is, but we do.

And what I want to do today is send the government a message that the people are prepared to fight to preserve our culture and our country. The first action in this fight is the petition to reduce immigration numbers to 20000 per year with preference given to culturally compatible applicants. This is a common sense approach that would be considered completely normal in any non-white country.

So when the usual hysterical accusations come from the liberal left. We say clearly that we are a people and a country, and we will not be ignored.

Thank you for listening.

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Now that we have Trump...

I should have listened to my mother; "you should be careful what you wish for, you just might get more than you bargained for"!

Millions of white Americans and millions of concerned whites all around the world were rooting for a Donald Trump victory, and they got it.

They knew implicitly that this was it. A last chance; a watershed moment in white survival. If Clinton got in the floodgates would open, and our future as a subjugated minority would arrive.

Rightly or wrongly, whether it was a miss-guided hope or not, white people identified with Trump. But incredibly, in public interviews, the issue of race was barely mentioned. People preferring to couch their support for Mr Trump in terms of his economic and business acumen. Or base as they would, their support for his campaign on his controversial immigration policy or his apparently radical idea that illegals should be detained and repatriated.

Very very few people, even now at this late stage in the collapse of our civilisation, are prepared to use the “R” word to promulgate the idea of a White European focused leadership of the USA. God forbid that anyone should suffer to be called a dreaded “Racist”!

In a social paradigm of massive reverse racism, population replacement, with abortion freely available and race mixing promoted widely through the corporate media. Any white person with the courage to stand up for his people faces the immediate threat of slanderous accusations. He will be called a "Nazi", and a "racist" and a "white supremacist!" For such obvious fallacies to be propounded through the media indicates that our fifth estate has either fallen victim en-mass to a false and suicidal doctrine or it has been bought and paid for by; not just a foreign power, but rather, a specific racial enemy.

If I had been an American, or perhaps even just an illegal alien as apparently now that is all that is required in order to be able to vote in the US, if you intend to register Democrat, I would have voted Trump because a vote for Hillary would so obviously be a vote for surrender.

Semaphore Signal

Trump's success at the polls has been a semaphore signal to whites the world over; a pause in the weather, a break in the battle or a change in the wind, or to those on the front lines a cool rain in a blazing inferno.
Collectively I can almost hear it “maybe…maybe we will be allowed to live…!”

How justified these vain hopes are, really doesn’t matter at this point. Anything that will put wind in the sails of the handful of serious white leaders we have worldwide is a good thing.
It may even bring more people out of the woodwork to be believers and even leaders in the cause.

Caveats on the cause. 

But the caveats I have on my support for Trump are as follows;
1. He has not come out explicitly in support of white Americans. Our support of him is based on us liberally reading into his words and somewhat hopefully between his lines.
2. He has not recognised the issue of white disenfranchisement. He has spoken specifically About Muslims – in connection with terrorism
And Mexicans  - in connection with illegal immigration and jobs and crime.
3. He is pro gay rights. Homosexuality is an anomalous reality of the human condition. There have been famous homosexuals in our history and whilst I do not advocate legislation to actively conspire or discriminate against the "gay" community, there is a gulf of difference between the acceptance of the condition on the one hand and actively promoting homosexuality as a viable or even desirable lifestyle on the other. Something the left has been doing for years with predictably disastrous effects on our culture.
4. He is the most pro-Israel candidate in US political history. This is the most serious problem with Donald Trump from a European survivalist point of view. He famously told AIPAC that he didn’t want their money and I think on that basis a lot of whites have deliberately closed their ears and eyes to Mr Trumps wildly over the top and sycophantic stance on any and all issues pertaining to Jews and Israel.

A well-honed racket 

The Jews are well organised, and always plan many years ahead. All four of Trump's adult children are either married to or partnered with Jews. Just in the last few weeks, his first grandson underwent the despicable practice of Jewish male genital mutilation.  Otherwise known as circumcision.
If Mr Trump is not already beholden to our Zionist overlords, then they at least have their people on the inside.  It is the same well-honed racket they have been running for centuries, the book of Esther being a case in point.

Surround the king; get your people into key positions of influence and if possible marry your people into the king's family and most of all seek to marry one of your daughters to the king himself.

Our people for thousands of years have habitually underestimated our eternal enemy. They are highly organised, totally dedicated to their own advancement, absolutely ruthless in the pursuit of their aims, and they will never, ever stop.

Our man in the white house may not be bought and paid for yet, but with Donald Trump in the White House this degree of Zionist influence translates to control and therefore power and Donald may only discover he has a leash around his neck when one day he strays a little too far from the acceptable range of pro-Jewish policy decisions. From our Zionist controller's point of view, I can well imagine Sheldon Adelson's response to the debacle of the 2016 election cycle “heads I win tails you lose”. Same trick different century.

The implications of this reality for our people are horrific. Because of the nature of our enemy, eventually, it will be either us or them. Matter and antimatter, only one can exist in the same place at the same time.  At this point in this aeon spanning death struggle, they are winning.

Becoming Ourselves and the nature of war.

A permanent solution will only ever be achieved if we are first able to overcome ourselves. We will need to become something we have never been in order to do something we have never done.

Our enemy is using against us the finest weapon they could find, one tailor made to destroy a people who value truth, beauty, logic and creativity. A people who value love and nature, who have empathy with the natural world and who are the sentient expression of it.

That weapon they use against us to such devastating effect is, of course, our own basic nature. And that is the thing we must learn to overcome if we are ever to defeat our eternal nemesis.
The question then for us is “how do we become something we are not in order to defeat an enemy that is using our own nature to destroy us"?

We are fighting for the essence, fighting to remain what we are, but in order to win, must we become something we are not and in so doing, do we not do our enemies job for him? Having won in this way can we still claim to be the people we fought to preserve? Must we do our enemies work for him? Defeating who we are first so that we might defeat him more perfectly?

It is not a matter of defeating what we are, but rather a matter of discovering and releasing what we have always been.

Even in this time of apparent weakness, the best of us are the best there is. It has always been this way, and this is primordial. We can do survival, but a decision is required first. The Jews have achieved an incredible cultural coup in convincing over a period of seven decades an advanced global civilisation of the meritorious benefits of ethnic annihilation.

It isn't a matter of defeating who we are but rather a question of peeling back the multi-layered labyrinth of lies and deceptions to a point where a white man anywhere on this earth can think clearly and without reservation about who he is, the race he is part of and his role in this world.

So what does the election of Donald J Trump mean for the survival of white Europeans as a distinct racial identity?  It means we still need the same solid leadership we needed before. We still need to wake up enough of our people worldwide to make a difference, we still need discipline, organisation, planning and a strategy for success that includes specific goals.

In other words, nothing has changed, but it may be that in years  to come we may look back at the Trump election and say "That was the spark that lit the fire of revolution that saved us."
