Monday, 20 June 2016

Notes on Immigration

NewstalkZB May 16 2016
Multicultural New Zealand executive director Tayo Agunlejika (a Nigerian National) said immigration was overwhelmingly beneficial to New Zealand, and helped create a diverse and dynamic culture.
"It's a very positive thing -- it gives you a vibrant society where not everyone is the same. It comes with its own challenges, but it's good for society," he said.

One of the "Challenges" multiculturalism comes with is the fact that it doesn't work. This was admitted to by Angela Merkel in October 2010. As well the bitter years of experience in the UK and the USA.

Sunday, Dec 15, 2013
NZ Herald online “…why is the world coming home to New Zealand?”

Professor Natalie Jackson, of Waikato University, says migration is a short-term solution to keep the age structure of our population balanced. "It's a time when we need to take as many as would like to come here, and offer them citizenship to encourage them to stay in the hope they will bring other people."

Our Universities are full of people like this. They are simply incapable of thinking in terms of how societies actually work. People have been commodified, you, I and any other humanoid on this planet are completely interchangeable. No cultural or ethnic differences are allowed to exist.

Yet the curious thing is that this attitude seems only to be applied to white European countries.  You will find that all manner of exceptions to these rules are made when dealing with supposed ethnic minority groups.  

Like for instance, the Indian community, as a minority there are more than a billion people in India, all of them Indians. The same will apply to African groups or Chinese groups. The true minority group on this earth is the White European. We are about 8% and falling fast. 

But in our case, the strange solution to our low birth rate is to do everything possible to wipe us out as soon as possible.  I have trouble understanding how Miscegenation and genocide can solve the problem of low birth rates. I guess it's like accounting, if were extinct we no longer have a low birth rate.  21 Aug 2015
Economists said net migration remained "extremely high" with no sign of slowing down, which would support spending and demand for houses especially in Auckland. It would also add workers to the job market and keep a lid on wages.

So how is this good for New Zealand?  House prices go up, everything else goes up due to greater demand, but immigration keeps a "lid" on wages...?


That’s one hundred and twenty-four thousand immigrants into New Zealand in the year to March 2016.

Comparing New Zealand’s rate of immigration to that of the UK, where it is a huge issue and a deciding factor affecting the upcoming Brexit vote. We find that the floodgates have been opened, and our society’s  demographics are being dramatically changed at a rate three times as fast as the continuing disaster unfolding in the UK.

According to 2015 statistics, net UK immigration was 333,000. That is a huge number but represents only 0.5% of the UK population.  New Zealand is a country of only 4.4 million, yet net immigration for the year to March 2016 was 67,619; a 1.53% increase in population in one year.   Most of these people came from India and China.

How many New Zealanders even know of the deliberate demographic changes being wrought on the people of New Zealand?  These things are never discussed or debated at large. But rather, are kept out of sight in the hope that our ideologically driven government will be able to continue unimpeded with its liberal plan for New Zealand.

The refugees question came to the fore for a while but then disappeared from view.  There was enough of an outcry about taking in 750 refugees a year. That’s our quota. We take our quota, engage in our dutiful virtue signalling and run along like good little white people.

I have already written about the philosophical leanings of the present NZ government in a piece entitled “Ethnic Affairs” on my blog.  But we need to dig deeper to find out why our elected leaders have determined to go along with the programme of white genocide emanating from Europe.  Does John Key and his National party buddies believe the Marxist propaganda, or are they simply the lapdog lackeys they appear to be; sacrificing the cultural and ethnic identity that defines us as New Zealanders for whatever crumbs are tossed their way from their bureaucratic masters in Brussels?

The Pedigree of Key

My guess is that John Key is a true believer. The man has displayed a typically cavalier attitude to the rights and liberties of new Zealanders. In fact, I have for a long time regarded our Mr Key as New Zealand's answer to George Bush. The sort of guy you could have around for a beer and a barbie. He could even be a mate of sorts. And there's no problem that can't be solved by a little sweet talk and rule bending.…But this is serious, this is the prime minister were talking about.

Are these the traits of character, intelligence, integrity and honour we should expect to find in the most senior representative of our country?  Or am I being just a bit naïve to believe that a prime minister actually represents the interests of the people who elected him?

In terms of connections. You would be hard-pressed to find a more "inside", insider than our Mr Key.
Key spent 6 years at Merrill Lynch where his stellar career took off.  He was appointed head of Global Foreign Exchange in 1995, and in 1999 he was made a member of the Foreign Exchange Committee. The Foreign Exchange Committee is interesting, intended as an advisory committee to participants in the global foreign exchange markets, this committee is manned by the top movers in international finance and banking.  And sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

It is from this stratospheric position of power and influence, not to mention the multi-million dollar salary, that in 2001 Key decided to opt out and come home to New Zealand.  The following year Key is elected to parliament as the member for the newly created electorate of Helensville.

Key’s rise to Prime Minister of New Zealand is the fastest on record at 6 years. His election victory in November 2008 was also celebrated in the Jerusalem Post with the heading “New Zealand gets third Jewish prime minister” (11/09/2008)

Sometimes you can’t tell if an apple has a maggot in it until after you take a deep bite to the core. So it is with Key. After 8 years of John Key’s government, it is clear that early fears of a swing to the right were unfounded.

The distinction between right and left in NZ politics has been rendered a farce. All the really important issues that were formally the domain of right-conservative or Left-Liberal have been surreptitiously taken off the table as issues about which any meaningful vote could realistically be taken.  Issues like immigration, foreign policy, monetary policy. Issues that affect the lives of all our people and the character of our society.

After eight years of damage John Key’s left wing, liberal bias is revealed. In 2013 he voted in Parliament for the Marriage Amendment Act which redefines marriage as “the union of 2 people regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity”. Marriage is no longer between a man and a woman in New Zealand.  And this act more than anything else undermines the Christian basis of our culture.

His disregard for the people and the democratic system has been demonstrated still further;
The GCSB bill, passed in 2013 allowing the security agency to spy on New Zealanders was pushed through against massive public opposition.  Some polls recorded opposition over 80%

Asset Sales, In a non-binding referendum Two-thirds of voters, oppose asset sales.  In an outrageous demonstration of arrogance and hubris, the government said it would ignore the result, and Key called the 900,000 voters who rejected his plan “extremists”.  The Ideology of asset sales comes directly from Wall Street. They even have a name for it; the Washington Consensus.

It almost seems as though Mr Key never left Merrill Lynch after all, he simply moved to New Zealand to head up the local branch office.

Fascinating when you consider the prevailing culture of criminality and immorality at Merrill lynch.  The Enron scandal, ML’s leading role in creating the financial collapse of 2008, the payout of $3.6 B dollars in bonuses after posting a loss of 27B. And funding those payouts with taxpayer-funded TARP bailout funds.  And various out or court settlements costing hundreds of Millions of dollars.

The character of Mr Key and his contacts with the criminal elite of international banking still does not fully explain the motives for the behaviour of the National Party over the last eight years. So he’s a ratbag, but why would he deliberately run a country into the ground? Money is an unconvincing motive.

There is another reason.

The Kalergi Plan

The European Union is controlled from Brussels. The objective of the EU is to create a United States of Europe. A super-state of a billion people, ruled by unelected bureaucrats and bankers making their rules and casting their decrees from their glass towers in Brussels.

To that end, they seek to abolish not only the political borders within Europe but also the ethnic identity of the people of Europe. If this sounds like a conspiracy theory, that’s because it is. But it’s more than a theory. The philosophical founder of the EU was Richard Coudenhove  Kalergi. In 1925 he laid out his plans for Europe in his book Practical Idealism in which he said;

“The man of the future will be a mongrel. Today's races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space, time, and prejudice.

 The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.” 

New Zealanders no longer need to wonder why the vast majority of immigrants are from India and China.
As a final proof of the intentions of the European Union for the European people, please follow the link to the official EU site to promote race mixing, Warning; This site contains explicit sexual information for refugees. Zanzu.

The only New Zealand politician to make any attempt to confront this issue is Winston Peters. In fact, it is only through his efforts that the scandalous 124000 was revealed at all.  So in that sense, I must thank Mr Peters for having the courage to stand up to and confront the liberal agenda of the present government. However as a New Zealand Maori, Mr Peters is probably the only member of the house that could raise the issue without facing the usual avalanche of vapid racist abuse that would automatically fall on any Pakeha taking a similar stance,

It is however still a sad indictment of the state of European culture that we have to rely on a non-European spokesperson to make even the most elementary case for our own civilisation.


Sunday, 5 June 2016

NZ Media Bias

In 1973 my mother realized she could gain a better life for herself, my sister and I if we emigrated to New Zealand.  Interestingly, one of the deciding factors in my mother’s decision making, even as far back as the early 1970’s was the already apparent social ethnic disharmony in our south London environment.   We arrived in Auckland in January of 1974 to find a largely homogenous white European, nominally Christian society living alongside the existing Maori population. It was peaceful, clean, warm and beautiful. And relative to what we had come from, virtually no crime at all.  As a 13-year-old lad from London, paddling chest deep in the crystal clear, warm waters of the Whangaparoa Peninsula, life was looking very good indeed.

Over the years, we have seen a steady increase in the number of foreigners calling NZ home.

The ubiquitous Indian corner dairy. The Chinese market garden. Now when you go into a bottle shop the chances are high you will be served by another friendly Indian.  That’s right, they are friendly enough in most cases, and I don’t want to imply that the service would be any more or less friendly or the prices any cheaper if the proprietor was of European decent. Their behavior isn’t the point, the point at issue isn’t about them, it’s about us.  It is our survival as a cultural and racial group that is at stake and as such the behavior of other ethnic groups in our society is not the core issue.
In amongst the global catastrophe that is gripping the white indigenous populations of the world, it is our identity that is being threatened.  White people are called racists if we resist or speak out against our own soft genocide.

So it's not about them, it is not about the immigrants or any other race, it's about us. It’s about white European people recognizing and wanting to preserve their unique cultural and racial identity and integrity.

The emergence of white identity movements worldwide has been an incredible and from the point of view of our ruling class a completely unexpected development.  After many decades of deliberate denigration of our history and culture, radical egalitarianism and a psychology based education system, it is amazing that there is still a remnant of European consciousness that is able to rise up and claim its rightful place in the history of the world.

But rise up he has done. And the internet is playing a crucial role in white European man’s re-discovery of his history, identity and destiny.  But the television mass media here in New Zealand, as in every other white nation remains the front line in the war against our people.
It is subtle and powerful, but for those of us with eyes to see, it is clear they are becoming ever more obvious and desperate to destroy our will to survive before we have time to gather our forces and overturn the nasty little Marxist platform from which they preach their poisonous ideology.

Here are some specific instances of the anti-white bias that have shown up in the New Zealand media just over the last week.  Each one, taken on its own may appear insignificant and a petty complaint to draw attention to, but viewed in the context of a marketing paradigm where within each message or package of marketing information there exists a subliminal message that contains within itself the real power of persuasion of the message as a whole; they constitute a significant attack on the racial identity of the country.

At the end of TV3’s current affairs program “Story” Last Tuesday 31 May, the presenter announced they were going to close with “some beautiful images of Kiwis who arrived in the country as refugees…”

The images that followed were of an African negro gentleman and a young African woman against a backdrop of photographs of many other refugees who had also come to New Zealand. This was all part of a photographic exhibition taking place in Auckland.  A perfectly laudable enterprise against which no serious person could offer any real criticism.  The second instance was on a show later in the week on the other news channel, TV1 here in New Zealand where a whole segment was dedicated to the lead singer of a popular New Zealand band who had returned home to settle down with his new wife and child.   A completely unremarkable story except for the one glaringly obvious yet unspoken racial aspect of the story.  Jon Toogoods wife is from South Sudan.    

Amid the over-weaning gooing shots of the doting father playing with his new son, one is struck by the obvious fact that this story would never have made the airwaves had it not been for the downplayed racial aspect of the story.
The two stories, taken out of context and individually may seem entirely innocent and innocuous , even though one is prompted to wonder about the motives and priorities of current affairs programming.

However, this writer contends that nothing happens by accident. And  the programming of current affairs television in NZ  is designed with very particular ideological aims in mind.
As with all product marketing and advertising, there is a story and a ‘take-away’. The story is what you see, the main dialog , it’s the froth and glam of the cover story,- the packaging if you will. Then there is the ‘take-away’,  that’s the underlying message that stays with the customer or observer long after the froth has blown away.

And in the case of these two apparently innocent stories of compassion and love, there is the underlying ‘take-away’ that all self-respecting traditional white Europeans should be aware of.
1.     Kiwi’s are from any Race and from any country on Earth. And it does not matter how you got here. Where you came from, or what your cultural, racial or religious background is.
2.      Miscegenation.  If you are white, it is not only desirable but also preferable to marry outside your race.  Doing so ensures your social acceptance amongst your peers, and doing otherwise may even indicate the possibility that you could be a Racist!  That being the very worst of social slurs imaginable.  Horror of horrors, a fate worse than death that you might be on the receiving end of the worst social curse in history, outcast and shunned by your peers for the term of your natural life!

To indicate the ridiculousness of the proposition that a Kiwi is simply anyone who just happens to get here somehow. One only has to perform this simple mental experiment.  I am a white, fair skinned blue eyed middle aged European. Let's suppose I get a long term contract job in China. After a few years I marry a local Chinese girl and get a Chinese passport; am I now a China man?  Of course not!

Same situation if I was to live in the Central African Republic for several years and become a naturalized citizen of that country. Am I now an African ?  When the situation is reversed the stark absurdity of the notion becomes plain for all to see.

Yet in the west, our cultural identity has been so utterly undermined through lack of proper education about our magnificent cultural heritage, that we are rendered completely defenseless against the imposition of soulless Marxist ideologies of radical egalitarianism.

We must learn again to understand that it is normal, healthy right and proper to have a decent respect for your own people, and this in no way implies any denigration of any other people on the face of this earth. This earth already has as much diversity and multiculturalism as would ever be required for us all to live in respect and harmony with each other.  Each with his own people in his own environment.   That said, it has to be acknowledged that Europeans are unique. Despite the many criticisms of European colonialism, the world would be a very dark and barbaric place if not for the art, science, philosophy and sheer brilliance of European creativity.

Finally, I believe it is imperative that self-aware Europeans stand up to and confront every incidence, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, of this kind of soft denigration of my people.  If we do not, if we believe their subtle lies and misdirections.  If we turn the other cheek and play down the fractious condescending insults, while all the time the liberals work for our destruction then that is exactly what the future will hold.  And that cannot be allowed to happen. 


Friday, 3 June 2016

My Journey

Below is a short piece written in early 2015 describing how I became interested in political affairs.

In 2000 I was not a political animal at all.  I was concerned in my life only with my own small circle of influence, my job, my life and my problems. I barely noticed the political world around me. To my way of thinking at the time, it was not something that affected me personally so why should I be interested, or more specifically; invest my valuable time and energy into something I could have no appreciable impact on in any case.

Then in November 2000 George W Bush was apparently ‘elected’, to the presidency of the United States.  Elected of course was a misnomer that would become obvious in due course.  This event was a kind of epiphany for me. Like out of the corner of my eye, I happened to notice that those weird Americans had decided to elect an orang-utan to the white house!

Remember this was pre 9-11, so the significance was not yet apparent, I merely noticed this strange event and assumed that in four years’ time they would recognise the error of their ways and correct their mistake,- and throw Bush out in the process.

Next stop; September 11, 2001, and all hell broke loose.  Now we have an idiot in the white house,  America under attack and a dangerous Neocon clique pulling all the strings.
Personally, if the election of Bush was the cause of a mild epiphany, then 9-11 was definitely the crossing of the Rubicon.  For me, there was no turning back. The shock and horror at the events of 9-11 turned into a kind of morbid fascination with the ‘Bisaro’ world of US politics.
For those of us outside the cocoon of corporate America, the wall of lies and deceit was clear and obvious to those who would see.   Yet in America, while there were many good people who stood up for truth, there were many more who shouted them down and accused them of “aiding the terrorists”.
For me, looking on from our island in the pacific it all looked just too much. Sad, insane, corrupt to the core.  Above all it was clear, and ever more so as time went by, that those who were elected to represent and to lead, had been bought off and were neither representing or leading the people who elected them.

At the time, I did not know who they were serving. Perhaps their own narrow personal self-interest, or perhaps there was a wider dynamic at play motivating them to serve corporate power structures.
The well-known connection between Dick Cheney and Halliburton could also posit a profit motive for the invasion of Iraq.  The wider military industrial complex stood to benefit from a massive profit bonanza, occasioned by on-going major military operations in the Middle East.
For the people involved, these reasons represented a powerful motive for war.  Looking back now from our standpoint fourteen years later, it is obvious that the US government was taken over by a small group of Neocon elite.

What was not clear early on was the web of motivations behind the neocon ideology. One can look at the "Project for the New American Century – Rebuilding Americas Defences", and come to the conclusion that their ideology may be flawed and full of bellicose hubris, but may still have had the best interests of America at heart.
But lets cut to the chase. The Jewish-Zionist connection.

We can make excuses for these people all day long and look for good intentions and motives in their actions until the cows come home. But we delude ourselves, it's simple.  Their actions were illegal. I only became fully aware of the full depth of the Jewish connection between the Neocons in the Bush administration years later.

Ask who benefits. Israel is the answer. Perhaps one might suggest that there is merely a confluence of interests here. A product of coincidence, that what these neocons thought was good for America also just happened to be very good for Israel as well. A  happy coincidence; what a pleasant surprise..!
Even this bankrupt ideology is a naïve self-delusion. The truth is worse than that.
The Americans seemed to be putting up with an awful lot. Denying what seemed to foreign observers to be a clear cut inside job.

But, to see things from their point of view; to put oneself in their shoes so to speak. What does one do when confronted by a reality, the implications of which are simply too horrible to contemplate.
It’s a self-defense mechanism; when confronted with facts that indicate that agents of a foreign power, have infiltrated your government, and subjugated your domestic and foreign policy to the service of that foreign power. And when doing that, thousands of your own citizens and thousands of your own armed forces personnel and incomprehensibly huge sums of money have been spent, wasted, squandered and murdered, then we do the only thing a sane mind can do,… we don’t believe it!

So this is about my philosophical and intellectual journey. It has become pretty clear to me that the  future prosperity of all nations has become intimately linked to this small basket of issues that affect us all.  The task for those who have woken up to the danger already is to wake up the rest, one man at a time.  And if we each do our job, the spread of awareness will grow exponentially.   Call it what you will, zionist, communists or just left wing liberals, or perhaps some dark and shadowy figures planning a New World Order.  The future is not carved in stone. We can fail and allow a new dark age of slavery and servitude to cover the globe or we can succeed and herald in an age of prosperity that our ancestors could only dream of.